UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Remus Twin Muffler Baffles
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Author:  DanielG [ 07 Aug 2022 16:00 ]
Post subject:  Remus Twin Muffler Baffles

Hi All,

Hope you’re enjoying the weather.

I’ve taken my XB9SX out of storage and have discovered that my dad accidentally threw away the baffles for my Remus muffler… just in time for an MOT.

Does anyone know if using universal baffles would be an issue? Or if someone knows of a 3rd party that sells them? It’s a 2007 XB9SX, Remus exhaust.


Author:  Nutah [ 07 Aug 2022 21:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Remus Twin Muffler Baffles

Image not working :roll:
but M&P sell baffles , not 100% sure its right
maybe you can phone em on monday ? good luck ... fle-587699

Author:  painauchoc [ 08 Aug 2022 12:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Remus Twin Muffler Baffles


I've got a 2008, Remus 2&1/4 inch internal diameter slash cut outlets.

They ARE available from 70 euro each, left/right specific. I think I saw them elsewhere in europe as well same sort of price. you will have to add vat etc etc though! And... there's a minimum order value of £130 from buell-parts.

I went with generic ones by Drag Specialities from ARH custom £13 each and then cut them to size - you have to be very careful to cut the angles correctly and to size for both the baffle and the packing whilst still aligning the screw hole, then i sprayed the visible end of the baffle black. I did not bother trying to weld the loose end where the cut was - the metal was stiff enough I thought. Not easy but not that difficult either and pleased with the result / cost saving. They aren't a perfect slash cut angle like the originals, but I'ts not noticeable unless you are examining the exhaust outlets! depends how fussy you are about the small details I guess. Just concentrate on cutting the packing so it's a tight/good fit. Then i put it in for MOT, no mentions of noise although It's still a lot louder than my other bikes! ... -6147-8-54

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