ericry wrote:
I elected NOT to have a reflash done on my '08 XB12XT after I had the comfort kit fitted.
It seems the reflash will have the fan running based on it comes on at something over 18mph and stays on the whole time ????????????????????
I'd rather have the current quirky behaviour of it running for a while when I turn the bike off - makes people look anyway !!
Do not know if helps any, if your botherd or it will do it on your bike. I have found that with the fan on low speed with the ignition off, turning the ignition back on, the fan goes off, and then turning the ignition back off the fan stays off.
Dont know why but it does help the battery charge and would help the life of the fan bearings. Mind you my 06 bike has 14k on the clock so runs cooler now.
It is just an observation though but may be of use to someone at some point.