UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Rusty Exhaust
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Author:  Dickyserv [ 06 Mar 2010 14:27 ]
Post subject:  Rusty Exhaust

its probably been metioned somewhere before

my standard exhaust is a little too rusty and looks un-sightly so can anybody recomend a decent paint to sort it with please ??

also does someone know the part code / model numbers for the wheel bearings ?? i should be able to source them locally ( SKF agents etc..)


Author:  jonnyboyrebel [ 06 Mar 2010 15:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Rusty Exhaust

I wouldn't bother painting it myself as it won't last. I recommend you invest in something stainless like a stealth or similar......

No idea about the bearings, I seam to be one of very few owners that have never had to replace any!

Author:  asda160 [ 06 Mar 2010 15:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Rusty Exhaust

Plasticote barbeque paint is the way, but not until you throw a coat of something like cure rust on it....

Wheel bearings are in ' how to ' for part numbers just got my new front ones in the freezer and the heating :sun: cranked right up in the workshed should pop back in a doddle... i managed a heady 6k on the Taiwan oe specials which i'm replacing with KOYO's but SKF are as good, just make sure they are quality not just a copy cos they'll be made of cheese.

Author:  Maz [ 06 Mar 2010 15:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Rusty Exhaust

6005 2RS for the front.
6006 2RS for the rear.

Author:  Adam [ 06 Mar 2010 15:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Rusty Exhaust

Send your can to Tubbs. He'll blast it and then paint it with his own concoction. The can he did for me seems more durable than Camcoat :yup:

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