UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Renthal Streetfighter Bars
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Author:  BristolXB [ 06 Mar 2010 21:34 ]
Post subject:  Renthal Streetfighter Bars

Anybody fitted Renthal streetfighter bars to a 09Ss. Was thinking of a change but not sure if they will fit. I haven't pulled the cables or brake hose through yet to find out if the is any spare length (oh er misses). :D Just wanted to ask before I wasted my money.

Author:  Adam [ 06 Mar 2010 21:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Renthal Streetfighter Bars

I've got Ultra Low Renthals on my 12Ss nearly bike. Much better when you saw 1" off each end.

Author:  BristolXB [ 06 Mar 2010 22:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Renthal Streetfighter Bars

Was looking to go a little bit higher on the bars as i'm not the tallest person in the world.So why buy an Ss I here you ask.(Have some blocks strapped to me feet, stilletoes are for weekends only). Just looking to reduce the reach a bit.

Author:  Adam [ 06 Mar 2010 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Renthal Streetfighter Bars

Try the Lows or Mediums then :idea: but I've given the bike to Mrs Adam and at 5'4", she manages fine.

Author:  BristolXB [ 06 Mar 2010 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Renthal Streetfighter Bars

Thanks but with all respect your wife is probably not full of 25 years worth of Lager and Cider. lOl Was also looking to stop the "tank" geting scuffed as well. Low bars make my wrist ache after a few miles(been there on a few bikes) so a small rise may help, would prefer to be a little more upright and wider the than lower.Thanks for your suggestion though.

Author:  Adam [ 06 Mar 2010 23:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Renthal Streetfighter Bars

You could try taking about 1" out of the width of the seat. That also helped a lot.
When you refit the cover, pour boiling water over it and it'll get rid of any small wrinkles etc.

Author:  Nutah [ 06 Mar 2010 23:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Renthal Streetfighter Bars

Adam wrote:
You could try taking about 1" out of the width of the seat. That also helped a lot.
When you refit the cover, pour boiling water over it and it'll get rid of any small wrinkles etc.

:shock: :shock: what in yer ball bag like ? :evilh:

Author:  BristolXB [ 06 Mar 2010 23:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Renthal Streetfighter Bars

With the cold weather at the moment theres no need for that! Besides the hot air from the fan keeps things above freezing....... just.

Author:  Adam [ 07 Mar 2010 11:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Renthal Streetfighter Bars

Nutah wrote:
Adam wrote:
You could try taking about 1" out of the width of the seat. That also helped a lot.
When you refit the cover, pour boiling water over it and it'll get rid of any small wrinkles etc.

:shock: :shock: what in yer ball bag like ? :evilh:


Author:  beaker_85 [ 09 Mar 2010 22:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Renthal Streetfighter Bars

I was lookin for Renthal bars for ages and couldn't find which bend to get. To get something more up right, and a slightly straightened bar get the Charmichael Bend. (as far i could make out, it was one of the only bars that would clear the damper tops, and not need any extending of cables)
The only thing i had to do was undo the cable ties under the clocks to give me a bit more slack, and drill 1 hole on either side for the indicator and kill switch controls to stop them moving on the bar. Easy enough job.

Look sweet and personally i think it is more comfortable, and give's it that wider streetfighter look. Think they cost me 28 posted. :D
I dont have any pictures yet, but will try and post.

Cheers Mark

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