UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Uly XT - Bad earth
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Author:  phillh [ 03 Apr 2010 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Uly XT - Bad earth

I have had my 57 plate Uly for nearly a year now and the engine has always given off terrible vibes, especially so under 3K rpm. A shame because other than that, I really love the bike.

I have checked all the earthing points, taken them off, cleaned and WD'd but it made no difference.

I followed someone on the forum's advice and earthed the engine direct to the negative battery terminal.

Result - TRANSFORMED - much smoother engine, still slightly lumpy up to 2.5K but smooth above and it feels as if it has a bit more power too. And doesnt feel like its going to explode any minute :clap: .

Thanks to all who have posted advice, very much appreciated.

Author:  THE FLYING DUCHMAN [ 03 Apr 2010 20:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

phillh wrote:
I have had my 57 plate Uly for nearly a year now and the engine has always given off terrible vibes, especially so under 3K rpm. A shame because other than that, I really love the bike.

I have checked all the earthing points, taken them off, cleaned and WD'd but it made no difference.

I followed someone on the forum's advice and earthed the engine direct to the negative battery terminal.

Result - TRANSFORMED - much smoother engine, still slightly lumpy up to 2.5K but smooth above and it feels as if it has a bit more power too. And doesnt feel like its going to explode any minute :clap: .

Thanks to all who have posted advice, very much appreciated.

Nice one Phillh. I bet it feels like a different bike now - mine did.

The main cause of this problem is the paint on the face of the subframe lug, next to the fuse box, which the two loom wires and the battery earth are bolted to. This is a build fault by Buell. It can be the sub to mainframe as well.

The "more power" feeling is prob because the ECM is now working right because it is earthed properly. It was with my bike.

As long as every thing else is ok with your bike and run in you should find this. It will idle from well from a cold start and the bike is fine on the road with the engine cold. Once warm, about 5 min or 5 miles, the engine is as smooth as a nut with very little engine vibs. In fact most like any bike and the way it should be.

Author:  Nate [ 03 Apr 2010 21:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth



Author:  ShakenNotStirred [ 08 Apr 2010 10:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

Although I don't think I have a bad connection at present (it's a Buell, it vibrates), I saw this on BadWeb in reference to the comfort kit install, which I'll be doing soon...

"Court- there have been several threads here about cleaning up various ground connections and using star lockwashers to improve the current path. IIRC, there's a factory bulletin on the subject. While the tail is disassembled for the kit installation is a perfect time to do it."

So, a couple of (stupid) questions as this is new to me :

1) What do we call 'star lockwashers' in the UK? Not heard of them before.

2) Where are the earthing points that need cleaning and what would be best to prepare the surface?

Better still, does anyone have the bulletin Court is referring to?


Author:  THE FLYING DUCHMAN [ 08 Apr 2010 18:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

ShakenNotStirred wrote:
Although I don't think I have a bad connection at present (it's a Buell, it vibrates), I saw this on BadWeb in reference to the comfort kit install, which I'll be doing soon...

"Court- there have been several threads here about cleaning up various ground connections and using star lockwashers to improve the current path. IIRC, there's a factory bulletin on the subject. While the tail is disassembled for the kit installation is a perfect time to do it."

So, a couple of (stupid) questions as this is new to me :

1) What do we call 'star lockwashers' in the UK? Not heard of them before.

2) Where are the earthing points that need cleaning and what would be best to prepare the surface?

Better still, does anyone have the bulletin Court is referring to?


Yes you could use one of these but you do not need to IMO.
Star_Washer.jpg [ 25.95 KiB | Viewed 793 times ]

The problem seems to be with the X and XTs. Remove the fuse box. Take out the Earth bolt. File back the surfaces of the two loom tags and Earth strap. File back the face of the lug point to metal. Put it all back together. Oh and mine has very little vibs since I did this.

Author:  Nate [ 08 Apr 2010 19:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

The problem is the joint between the two frames, not the earth cables.

Thats why the origanal poster found an improvement when he by-passed the frame with a jump lead.

The whole bike is earth if you like but between the seat frame and main frame is where the bad connection is and is not seen.


Author:  gunter [ 08 Apr 2010 21:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

And - at least at my bikes - there are two fastener without function left at the back side of the frame below the airbox cover, which look as if they were made to hold an earth wire from the frame to the tail subframe.

Author:  Nate [ 08 Apr 2010 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

gunter wrote:
And - at least at my bikes - there are two fastener without function left at the back side of the freame below the airbox cover, which look as if they were made to hold an earth wire from the frame to the tail subframe.

I remember seeing that on mine Gunter, they thought they could save a few Mark :roll:


Author:  ursus americanus [ 08 Apr 2010 22:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

As you regulars know I'm no technical guru and I'm a bit of a company man so I'm not big on divulging what I feel is sensitive information.

I don't believe the following link is anything at all sensitive and I think the instructions it gives would allow a muppet like me to perform the task. It was drawn to my attention after our workshop had endured a particularly lengthy period of substitution and analysis to solve a problem on a customer's bike.

On first casual inspection all fastenings appeared to be fully secure.....they weren't!

Click away

Think this could be a big help to more than one owner out there.


Author:  Nate [ 08 Apr 2010 22:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

Ursus, it just asks me to sign in !!!


Author:  Maz [ 08 Apr 2010 22:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

lOl ....nice try Steve......but I dont think many here have access to HDnet :idea:

.......probably just as well, as you'd get a roasting for that :shock:

Author:  THE FLYING DUCHMAN [ 08 Apr 2010 22:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

ursus americanus wrote:
As you regulars know I'm no technical guru and I'm a bit of a company man so I'm not big on divulging what I feel is sensitive information.

I don't believe the following link is anything at all sensitive and I think the instructions it gives would allow a muppet like me to perform the task. It was drawn to my attention after our workshop had endured a particularly lengthy period of substitution and analysis to solve a problem on a customer's bike.

On first casual inspection all fastenings appeared to be fully secure.....they weren't!

Click away

Think this could be a big help to more than one owner out there.


Cool Steve. Soooo very cool Dude. On the other hand I am not.


I can see what Maz is on about sometimes.

Author:  Maz [ 08 Apr 2010 22:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

Mate, you aint even scratched the surface with that :(

Author:  ursus americanus [ 08 Apr 2010 22:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

Sorry, guys, tested it and it seemed to work for that document only. I'm not that silly, Maz lOl I did test that it didn't open up the whole of H-Dnet ;)

Here's some of the text

2006 – 2009 Buell Ulysses Ground Repair
Poor ground connections have been found at the tail section ground locations.
Below are some of the symptoms that you might see, and a procedure to repair
this condition. While the specifically affected models are 2006 to 2009 XB12X,
this Tech Tip could serve as a reference for improving ground circuits on any
In the figure below, you can see where the negative battery cable is attached to
the tail section of the vehicle. This ground location is essential to virtually all of
the motorcycle’s electrical systems. A poor contact here can cause poor running
issue and no crank conditions. The instrument cluster may even stay on after the
key is turned to the OFF position. These issues can also be intermittent.

To clean the ground area, you must remove the fastener that secures the ground
terminals to the tail section and clean all surfaces. This includes the fastener, tail
section boss, ring terminals, and battery tray. (See images below)

Once the faster is removed, lightly sand both the threads and the face of the
screw. (See image below)

Lightly sand both sides of the ring terminals to clean any impurities from the
surfaces. (See images below)

Lastly, clean the ground boss and the battery tray surfaces by sanding to remove
any paint or other impurities.

After all of these surfaces have been cleaned, apply dielectric grease to the
fastener and reinstall to 72-108 in/lbs. (97.6 – 146.4 Nm).

I know this thread is useless without pictures but it's a step in the right direction :D


PS Hope you're not being offensive, TFD lOl

Author:  THE FLYING DUCHMAN [ 08 Apr 2010 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Uly XT - Bad earth

Maz my work is even less respected than yours. All I want to do is KILL.

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