UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

1125cr weaving and tank slapping
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Author:  fz911 [ 19 Apr 2010 13:33 ]
Post subject:  1125cr weaving and tank slapping

ive recently bought a new cr and im having a few handling problems
under hard acceleration it just goes mad and starts tank slapping, this continues into slight over run, when i back off it goes
ive got the suspension set up to my weight (under 77kg)
any help on this would be great :)

Author:  ursus americanus [ 19 Apr 2010 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

Tyre pressures :?:


Author:  fz911 [ 19 Apr 2010 18:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

too low or too high?
i have them at what theyre supposed to be, which is unusually low at 34f 36r
u reckon the rear is too soft?

Author:  mcrbuelligan [ 19 Apr 2010 19:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

I have the same prob - you need to play around with your suspention - soften the front up a tad

Author:  ski25R [ 19 Apr 2010 19:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

The recommended setup on my 08 25R was less than ideal as well. I took it to an ex racer and now retired Bike magazine journalist in Peterborough. He played with the settings tossed a wire-tie on the front fork. He sent me for a ride and then readjusted again. She now turns in smoother and doesn't dive or lift erratically. Well worth the bottle of Jack Daniels for the assistance.

Author:  jonnyboyrebel [ 19 Apr 2010 19:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

fz911 wrote:
ive recently bought a new cr and im having a few handling problems
under hard acceleration it just goes mad and starts tank slapping, this continues into slight over run, when i back off it goes
ive got the suspension set up to my weight (under 77kg)
any help on this would be great :)

I notice that your avatar shows you two up on your CR, does it misbehave when you're two up too? if it doesn't it's probably safe to say you have it set up a for too much weight when flying solo. (thats if it's not tyre pressures of course!)

Author:  mcrbuelligan [ 19 Apr 2010 19:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

suspention settings are a personal thing - you need a good day to set it up proberly ninor adjustments then go out - come back go from their, and you need to understand the difference between the preload - rebound etc and taking into acount your style of riding / road / weather / tyres etc there is a little section in the owners manual to help - check this guy out -

Author:  Avalaugh [ 19 Apr 2010 19:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

I do think the term "tank slapper" is mostly used in the wrong instance, a tank slapper is not a slight handle bar shake, it is flapping from lock to lock uncontrolably.

I think you need to soften the suspension a bit at the front, take your time one day and make very slight adjustments keeping notes of what you have done. I'm almost there on mine now after a good few hundred miles.

It's not an exact science with these bikes as when the engine is hot and ambient temps high/warm, affect the shocks performance, so trying to settle with a happy medium.

Also try not to hold on to tight when enjoying a spirited ride, i found a nice gentle grip with the hands, and i tight squeeze with the legs to work much better.

Author:  Adam [ 19 Apr 2010 20:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

Mine used to twitch a lot when nailing it out of a corner. I cured it by giving the rear shock a lot more compression damping, so you'll have to wait for the shock to get hot before the suspension works properly, but then it takes a good few miles to get the tyres warm on the road. Imagine the bike rotating around a pivot going through both your knees and then think about the effect on the front end a sloppy rear shock will have under hard acceleration.
Eventually, I'll get an AST shock because I think the 1125 rear shock is not very good quality and if you set it up cold, it'll fade as soon as it gets hot.
Don't fall into the trap of confusing Preload and stiffness ;) lOl

Author:  kevmean [ 19 Apr 2010 23:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

Well i've never woken up preloaded in a morning lOl lOl
Not noticed any problems with my CR but then again i probably ride like a wuss ,I just checked mine was setup by the book.

Author:  fz911 [ 20 Apr 2010 02:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

i ride a lot slower when im 2 up, even if the problem was still there i wouldnt get to that point where it becomes a problem
i do think its down to my weight and the sus[ension set up, it was lethal when i first rode it, i set it up to factory for under 77kg in the handbook and it was a lot better, so i started riding harder and it came back,
now it doesnt really show its face until i really twist it back
its by no means a little vibration in the bars, its been to the point where i had to let go of the bars and it righted itself
id say the bars move at least 3 or 4 inches forwards and backwards, probably half its allowed movement
when your coming onto a motorway at high speed it can be pretty scary
it also happens a lot just after the front wheel touches the ground before i shift into third
easing up on the bars and backing off a bit stops it usually
but thats the time when you want to accelerat, not decellerate
i will lower the compression on the front and see how it goes over the next few days

Author:  yourguitarhero [ 20 Apr 2010 09:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

That's just a bad weave.
If you had a tank slapper you'd know about it!

Good tip about the rear suspension Adam.

Author:  bueller ball breaker [ 20 Apr 2010 16:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping ... re=related

Author:  Adam [ 20 Apr 2010 17:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

fz911 wrote:
i ride a lot slower when im 2 up, even if the problem was still there i wouldnt get to that point where it becomes a problem
i do think its down to my weight and the sus[ension set up, it was lethal when i first rode it, i set it up to factory for under 77kg in the handbook and it was a lot better, so i started riding harder and it came back,
now it doesnt really show its face until i really twist it back
its by no means a little vibration in the bars, its been to the point where i had to let go of the bars and it righted itself
id say the bars move at least 3 or 4 inches forwards and backwards, probably half its allowed movement
when your coming onto a motorway at high speed it can be pretty scary
it also happens a lot just after the front wheel touches the ground before i shift into third
easing up on the bars and backing off a bit stops it usually
but thats the time when you want to accelerat, not decellerate
i will lower the compression on the front and see how it goes over the next few days

I realise that you have a problem with the weaving of the front end of your bike but what makes you think the problem lies with the front compression damping :?:

Author:  deepsix [ 20 Apr 2010 19:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1125cr weaving and tank slapping

Don't really have the same probs on mine. Front prone togetting very light tho :oooops:
I'm about 120kg fully kitted

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