UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Long Distance Comfort 1125CR
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Author:  Evil Twin [ 01 Jul 2010 13:43 ]
Post subject:  Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

Took the CR out for its first long distance run yesterday and was aching a bit when |I got home.

I have read somewhere that alternative buell footpegs will give about 2 inches more legroom can anyone advise which pegs I need for this ?

Also does anyone know of a custom seat available anywhere ?

Author:  norrie [ 01 Jul 2010 14:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

What do you call long distance?
I find the more miles I get on the comfier it becomes unless It's just my arse going numb.
You used to be able to buy a proper Buell one but they no longer make it anymore.
I would take it into a seat place and get them to put more padding in it.
I think you can fit pegs off an XBS but you have to file them down a bit to fit.
Either that or you can buy the likes of these off E-bay. ... ccessories

Author:  sportster_mann [ 01 Jul 2010 14:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

Either the XB lightning or the Ulysses pegs will fit - the lightning ones will need a notch filed into them to get them to fit correctly but it's no big deal if you can use a file. The Uly pegs will fit without any alteration. These both give a 1 inch drop. There is a company in the States that make pegs with a 2 inch drop - but I can't remember who - a search on BadWeatherBikers will turn them up.

If you have the upright bars then the Uly pegs will be fine, the pegs are wider but as it is a more upright riding position it isn't a problem. But if you have the clubman bars then I prefer the Lighning pegs as they are narrower and will allow your foot to pivot easier in that riding position as you are more hunched forward.

Author:  Evil Twin [ 01 Jul 2010 16:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

Have the high bars so ULY pegs sound like the way to go. Cheers :yup:

Author:  att [ 01 Jul 2010 16:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

Inflatable stadium seat £7 odd quid. As good as an airhawk that can cost £150 :shock: I used it on my Guzzi for a long trip, I shall be using it on all my bikes on long trips....I start off using the normal seat, then place this on top when the arse is getting a tad uncomfortable, I just use velcro pads and double sided tape.
Looks absolute shite, but my arse thanks me for it.

Author:  sportster_mann [ 01 Jul 2010 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

Corbin make a seat for the 1125 models -

but, by all accounts their build quality can be a bit hit and miss and their customer service leaves a lot to be desired.

May be better to buy another seat and get it customised for you here in the UK.

Author:  Mitch [ 01 Jul 2010 17:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

CR rider seat is M0090.02A8. i got one from jersey hd to cut down as im a shortarse. about £55. could get it reshaped and covered again for a few quid, but i did 620 miles one day and no problem. probably as mine is more curved now than flat

here is my cut down seat. ... at%20chop/

just pulled all the staples out, used a hacksaw blade to cut slots into the foam so i would cut an even amount away, then an old bread knife to cut horizontally. finished off with a rotary sander to smooth it. the creases in the material have now gone and it looks a lot better.

Author:  Cronos [ 04 Jul 2010 10:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

Knight Design do dropped pegs up to 2". Not sue that that would do for the overall balance of the riding position though?

Author:  Adam [ 04 Jul 2010 11:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

Mitch wrote:
CR rider seat is M0090.02A8. i got one from jersey hd to cut down as im a shortarse. about £55. could get it reshaped and covered again for a few quid, but i did 620 miles one day and no problem. probably as mine is more curved now than flat

here is my cut down seat. ... at%20chop/

just pulled all the staples out, used a hacksaw blade to cut slots into the foam so i would cut an even amount away, then an old bread knife to cut horizontally. finished off with a rotary sander to smooth it. the creases in the material have now gone and it looks a lot better.

In the good old days when bike shops used to sell replacement bike seat cover, the trick to get rid of dreases was to pour a kettle of boiling water over them.
You can easily build a hot wire cutter with a length of NiChrome wire. Model shops sell by the roll and it makes a neat job.

Author:  spen [ 04 Jul 2010 12:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

I've got a picture somewhere of a bike which is very comfortable for both the rider and the pillion passenger straight out of the factory, no expensive aftermarket footrests or handlebar conversions required, I'll see if I can find it....

Author:  Adam [ 04 Jul 2010 12:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR


Author:  richie [ 04 Jul 2010 17:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Long Distance Comfort 1125CR

eat more pies, add 3 kilos to yer arse....worked for me :idea:

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