UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Oil stabilizer in a xb12
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Author:  ElroySs [ 11 Sep 2010 04:16 ]
Post subject:  Oil stabilizer in a xb12

So I put Lucas oil stabilizer additive into my 20w50 semi-synthetic oil last oil change. Didn't notice any real difference. It's time to change the oil again,should I use the stabilizer again? Anyboty have any real faith or facts about the Lucas oil stabilizer? It's thick and heavy stuff, but is it worth adding to the already thick and heavy 20w50 oil I'm already running?

Author:  Beef [ 11 Sep 2010 04:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

Never heard of an oil stabilizer,just use the normal Harley oil and change it every 2500 miles-Its what the majority do here 8-)

Author:  Nutah [ 11 Sep 2010 08:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

:yt: it's cheap it does the job :yup:

semi synthetic is TBH wasted on an air cooled low revving old pushrod V twin

use the right spec oil for the engine , go faster oil is a waste for this motor.

Author:  Adam [ 11 Sep 2010 08:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

NO.The oil companies know what they're doing. You'd be far better off warming your engine under light load for 10 miles to avoid serious wear in things like the oil pump drive gear etc.
Change it often, whatever oil you use will still probably be 'slippery' enough for lubrication but just as importantly, it's also a coolant and a cleaner, just look at the colour of it when it comes out, it's full of contamination.

Author:  bueller ball breaker [ 11 Sep 2010 09:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

Changed my oil yesterday and i am always quite shocked to see the state of the oil :o
These engines really seem to destroy oil very quickly

Author:  Nate [ 11 Sep 2010 11:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

I always thought oil was quite stable in the first place,,, I mean it don't go off like milk does does it!

N :roll:

Author:  ElroySs [ 11 Sep 2010 15:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

How about changing brands or from semi synthetic to petroleum based oil? I had a guy at a moto ship I respect tell me that if I change type/brand I am causing a change in the coating of the cylinder wall and should pick a brand and be loyal, for my engines sake. Any truth to this theory?
Sry, I'm clueless when it comes to oil. I grew up riding dirtbikes old enough that they burned enough oil not to care what brand... Only weight was important, and if I should burn thru a can of engine restore to keep it running a little longer

Author:  Adam [ 11 Sep 2010 15:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

Apart from the moral issue of buying stuff from the MoFuCo after they shafted Erik, why not use the HD branded oil that's freely available and cheaper than most too? :idea:

Author:  Nate [ 11 Sep 2010 17:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

Where you are Elroy there should be plenty of Hog oil.

Don't worry about the oil. a good diesel rated mineral will do :yup:


Author:  mac [ 11 Sep 2010 19:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

i have used lucas adetive in the car doesent seem to do any harm

Author:  ElroySs [ 12 Sep 2010 18:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

Adam wrote:
Apart from the moral issue of buying stuff from the MoFuCo after they shafted Erik, why not use the HD branded oil that's freely available and cheaper than most too? :idea:

It's the moral issue. Everytime I deal with HD I feel insulted, and robbed. I'm not ok with that. There are MANY other places that are grateful for my business.

Author:  Adam [ 12 Sep 2010 19:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

On my trip around Morris Lubricants who are based locally to me, (they make excellent products and used to give me loads of their Castor based MLR oil when I was racing pre '60 bikes) they told me that most semi and full syn oil was, in fact, modified dinosaur based oil. They also said that mixing brands was a bit of an urban myth and was usually fine but sticking to one type wouldn't do any harm. As GM, I think, said, use a quality 20-50 diesel engine oil in the aircooled motors. In fact, the Morris 'V' Twin oil, is exactly the same as their diesel product, but sold at a higher price in different packaging. You can look up the product spec on the Net and check this out ;)

Author:  bueller ball breaker [ 12 Sep 2010 20:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil stabilizer in a xb12

I Use the Morris V twin stuff and found it no better or worse than the Hardley stuff but i don't have to queue with the hog fraternity to get my engine oil lOl

Just need to find an alternative gear oil now :?

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