UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

My Buells wheel bearings...
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Author:  att [ 04 Jun 2009 15:25 ]
Post subject:  My Buells wheel bearings...

...Lasted 9K :ner: :ner: However the rear ones were not as bad as the fronts.
I feel that the ultimate point of failure is totally avoidable, as they give plenty of warning that they are wearing.
Fronts easier to do than the rears, they more or less fell out with a light tap, the rears needed the correct extraction tool to remove.
See how long the new buggers last.

Author:  Umbongo [ 04 Jun 2009 15:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: My Buells wheel bearings...

Where did you get replacements from and how much?

Author:  panther [ 04 Jun 2009 15:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: My Buells wheel bearings...

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Author:  Umbongo [ 04 Jun 2009 15:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: My Buells wheel bearings...


Author:  Ash [ 04 Jun 2009 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: My Buells wheel bearings...

att wrote:
...Lasted 9K :ner: :ner: However the rear ones were not as bad as the fronts.
I feel that the ultimate point of failure is totally avoidable, as they give plenty of warning that they are wearing.
Fronts easier to do than the rears, they more or less fell out with a light tap, the rears needed the correct extraction tool to remove.
See how long the new buggers last.

How did you tell they were going ... ? I ride the same as you and am on roughly 4K at the mo

Author:  att [ 04 Jun 2009 17:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: My Buells wheel bearings...

Ash wrote:
att wrote:
...Lasted 9K :ner: :ner: However the rear ones were not as bad as the fronts.
I feel that the ultimate point of failure is totally avoidable, as they give plenty of warning that they are wearing.
Fronts easier to do than the rears, they more or less fell out with a light tap, the rears needed the correct extraction tool to remove.
See how long the new buggers last.

How did you tell they were going ... ? I ride the same as you and am on roughly 4K at the mo

When I last changed my tyres, I noticed once I put the wheel back in, there was a slight hiss when I rotated the wheels, there was no feeling of roughness when you felt the bearing, just a noise that shouldn`t be there. I guess that was at about 8K(second front tyre) and 7K for the third rear tyre...I could have got another 1K out of the rear bearings I reckon, not an expert, but it sounded like it!

Author:  roly [ 05 Jun 2009 02:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: My Buells wheel bearings...

My rear drive side completely failed at 2300 miles from new. Did not give much warning (started to hear a noise about 50 - 100 miles before failure). I knew there was something a miss with it but was touring Normandy at the time so could not do much with it.

Luckily I'd taken out AA european recovery for the trip. Best £'s I've ever spent! The nearest deeler (Caen) :headbang: did not have the bearing in stock so me and the bike had to be recovered to DG20 who sorted me out straight away :worthy: .

Think next time I go abroad I'll take a spare set of bearings.

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