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Author:  ovi [ 17 Oct 2010 21:38 ]
Post subject:  Tunerpro

I will probably need to do a tps reset sometime and was trying to get the info and a download link for ECMspy but unable to it has been stopped as mentioned in other topics. However TUNERPRO is rated on Badweb and just wondered if anyone has experienced it or should we stick with ECMspy and if so does anyone have a download link for me?

Author:  Maz [ 17 Oct 2010 21:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunerpro

PM Gunter and ask nicely :idea:

Author:  pash [ 17 Oct 2010 21:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunerpro

TunerPro is a way of interpreting the raw data taken from your ECM when using the free program ECMRead.

A new version of ECMSpy is out, you have to make a donation to Em's piggybank to get it, and as Maz says, PM Gunter.

Author:  ovi [ 17 Oct 2010 22:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunerpro

thanks guys just need a lead off ebay then :yup:

Author:  ovi [ 18 Oct 2010 22:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunerpro

the only lead i can find comes from sweden or the usa. is there any uk sellers?

Author:  xoptimizedrsx [ 06 Nov 2010 01:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunerpro

no Tunerpro will read and write to the ecm as well as datalog and it can be set up for tables to vies for correction issues and ect.
You can also set History tables to view different data's over time from the datalog.

On top of this you can make a msq file from the MSQ generator program I host. save the data log as a csv file delete row three data and add a value in txt to cell A2 resave and load the log to MLV for map making.

Its all on the web how to even a few vids on moving and changing the files.

It the cats meow!!! as well as the other meow is the ecmspy MONO. those are the two choices to get the best out of your bike. IMO

Tunerpro you need the MSq maker (I have it for free)
xdf file for your ecm
adx file for your ecm
read write plugin pasted into tunerpro folder in the drive where installed.

Mega Log Viewer for map adjusting.

use copy paste buttons to move data from one place to another from that point.


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