UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Bought The Bumble Bee
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Author:  Badassbueller [ 28 Oct 2010 22:36 ]
Post subject:  Bought The Bumble Bee

Got that bike off ebay "Yellow & Black Buell X1 Lightning 2001 7000miles for £3200 delivered to Plymouth" and it 's ok! ~not as clean as say mine was for the mileage but then the owner of my first bike only rode it in dry weather. It's had 4 dealer services which I admit is crap ~it's first at run in & then every 2500 miles regardless of how long it took to acheive that! :shock: His average milage for the first couple years was about 1500 then he dropped to around 800, 500, then bout 450 a year for the last couple, the bikes been run and used every year but certainly not serviced every year.
Harley Davidson recommend changing big twin gearbox oil at 20thou and primary oil every 10 thou regardless of the years ~it could be worse as it could have been standing for years unused full stop :shock:
It's funny to see a buell X1 like that :o completely standard apart from a late edition Wileyco Pipe, even the number plate is still huge :clap:
Give it a few weeks and I'll post up some pics before and after ;)

Author:  Ash [ 29 Oct 2010 07:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bought The Bumble Bee

:yup: Nice one Paul, pleased for you. I look forward to seeing it

Author:  Nutah [ 29 Oct 2010 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bought The Bumble Bee

:sun: :sun:

Author:  Motorrad [ 29 Oct 2010 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bought The Bumble Bee

Once you put a forcewinder on it, you'll also have a nice black box to store your bread in!

Author:  Beef [ 29 Oct 2010 17:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bought The Bumble Bee

Thats not Bumblebee :!:
I've got Bumblebee 8-) lOl lOl

Author:  milky [ 29 Oct 2010 19:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bought The Bumble Bee

Hi i had seen bumble bee as your call it on ebay and thought it needed a little fettling and some bling..interested to see some after X1 still has the original rear mudguard and huge number plate ..all will change when she comes off the road in November...already ordered the filter and stainless elbow to make my own forcewinder and will remove several unsightly bits.... :yup:

Author:  Badassbueller [ 30 Oct 2010 01:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bought The Bumble Bee

Ash wrote:
:yup: Nice one Paul, pleased for you. I look forward to seeing it

Thanx Ash will do ;)
Motorrad wrote:
Once you put a forcewinder on it, you'll also have a nice black box to store your bread in!

Fuck eating dinner at your place ~personally I'd rather bung it in a bin liner then throw it into the loft ~each to their own I suppose :P
milky wrote:
Hi i had seen bumble bee as your call it on ebay and thought it needed a little fettling and some bling..interested to see some after X1 still has the original rear mudguard and huge number plate ..all will change when she comes off the road in November...already ordered the filter and stainless elbow to make my own forcewinder and will remove several unsightly bits.... :yup:

Feel like am being asked to suck eggs ~so here's a pic of my last X1 Lightning sold to a mate in 2009 ;) Clic the pic to make it huge 8-)

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