Am sure most have seen the Carbon Fibre Tank Inserts for X1's on the
Adrenaline Moto website at close to £300 including vat as their prices are all pre-vat.
I just purchased all the way from Hong Kong on thursday last week and delivered today to my property with no import duty almost identical tank inserts, the tank cover itself, the front fender and the chin spoiler for £322 delivered. Admittedly the tank inserts do not seem to have the mounting holes already placed unlike the rest of the items which do, but even so for the price "who gives a toss". Yea yea I know Trojan Horse have been supplying us stuff since the begining but fuck me at totally rip off prices.
Let me see now been thinkin about sortin the back end undertray area ~there's this that means hacking the alloy indicator mount off the rear subframe
RRC tail tidy admittedly it's got a number plate mount ~or this
Carbon Fibre Undertray for £68 less if combined with other stuff and the shippin is peanuts

Then again maybe a bit of alloy plate and a stainless number plate mount will suffice ~but you get the idea!
Gotta wait 3 weeks for me Forcewinder to come from Trojan Horse via germany and the USA fer fooks sake, yet the japs can ship over a weekend and in under 3 days ~fucking joke