UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

buell heated grips
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Author:  supremesoundz [ 01 Dec 2010 11:44 ]
Post subject:  buell heated grips

ive got a 08 scg and this cold weather has prevoked me to decide to get some heated grips ive been looking about and can get some for 135 dollars plus 40 dollars shipping,
are they any good and are they a pain to fit?

Author:  yourguitarhero [ 01 Dec 2010 13:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

Yes, they're very good.
Quite easy to fit. Only difficult bit is you need to get a got HSS drill bit to go through the bars (i.e. got a carbide one) and hooking up the throttle cable can be a little fiddly.

I think the 08 on models have an auxiliary plug under the flyscreen you can connect it too.

On mine (07) I had to run a fused earth from the battery up to the flyscreen and fit an ignition switched relay. You won't need to worry about that.

They're very hot and integrate in nicely since you are provided with new switchgear for the right hand side bar.

Author:  supremesoundz [ 01 Dec 2010 14:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

ideal sounds good to me bloody hate cold hands
my bars should be easy to drill as ive got cheapy renthals on it

Author:  kevmean [ 01 Dec 2010 17:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

The drill bit included in the Buell kit went like a drill through cheese on the Cr's bars ;) .............also the jig provided makes sure you drill in the correct position ;)
Looks far better with the genuine kit rather than aftermarket ones with a seperate switch.

Author:  pash [ 01 Dec 2010 18:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

They have a habit of burning your hands with thin gloves on, see CJ's post about his high mileage Uly.

I want to try some of this electric gloves... ;)

Author:  supremesoundz [ 02 Dec 2010 18:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

saw maplin are selling cheapy heated gloves that take chargable batterys i looked at getting gloves but didnt fancy the kiddies mitten like wiring and im sure id forget to de attach myself more than once too

Author:  yourguitarhero [ 02 Dec 2010 19:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

I use the heated grips with a pair of alpinestars gp-plus gloves, kind of summer racing gloves and never get the burned hands thing.

You can control how hot they get by how hard you squeeze the bars. Also a good way to introduce the "death-weave" and warm yourself up with some adrenaline and heated skivvies!

Author:  motoqueiro [ 02 Dec 2010 19:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

pash wrote:
I want to try some of this electric gloves... ;)

Hi have a pair of Gerbings heated gloves, very, very good I definitely recommend them

Author:  bikenut [ 05 Dec 2010 01:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

I have run with heat tape under the stock grip on my blackbird. A lot cheaper than heated grips and works great. It also allows you to retain stock grips. I have both the blackbird and my atv set up this way. Plow snow all winter long with no issues of cold hands. Most sets come with a high and low setting.

Here is a link to show the job ... grips.html

Author:  wobbly [ 05 Dec 2010 06:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

I think you need to be registered and signed in to view the pics. Please be a good chap and post them here for us.

Cheers, Richard.

Author:  t965m [ 05 Dec 2010 09:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

If you are happy to lash out the dosh go for heated gloves :yup: I've used EXO2 gloves and waistcoat for 3 years and they are the business. I had heated grips on my GS and whilst I had warm palms my fingers were still cold.

Heated stuff isn't cheap but I reackon it will last for years, it better do :D

Author:  bikenut [ 05 Dec 2010 12:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

wobbly wrote:
I think you need to be registered and signed in to view the pics. Please be a good chap and post them here for us.

Cheers, Richard.

Sorry for that people.
Here are the pics after the job was done. Hardest part of the job was the wiring. I spent time routing the wires so they were not readily apparent.

I think the job took me the better part of 3 hours because I completely stripped the bike to the frame to route wires out of site. I am thinking I will put the same tape on the Buell and will route the switch under the seat. It won't be as convenient as having the toggle just to my left as on the blackbird but I find I rarely turn them off anyway once I have put them on. I have a couple different pair of gloves ranging from the BMW ProWinter2's right down to a basic leather. In between is a pair of Sidi's with thinsulite insulation. The BMW gloves are exceptional at keeping cold out but thick and cumbersome. The Sidi's are a good inbetween glove. I would also suggest if you are riding in cooler temps invest in a heated vest and a good thick balaclava or at least a helmet skirt. I ride year round as long as the roads are dry and free of ice and couldn't do it anymore without this gear. Soon I will have to go all the way with heated jacket and maybe pants.

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Author:  spen [ 05 Dec 2010 13:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

Very neat......

Author:  bikenut [ 05 Dec 2010 13:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

Thanks, you can see in second picture the two wires to my horn which I had yet to hook up before I took the pics. Taking your time and going the extra steps makes for a seemless job no matter what the mod is.

Author:  Motorrad [ 05 Dec 2010 13:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell heated grips

If you have multiple bikes you run in cold weather, heated gloves make sense.
Once you install heated grips, on the other hand, they are always available, no matter what cold or wet weather surprises you, and no matter which gloves you took out with you.

Your least expensive option is the heat matts that fit under the grips, per bikenut.
Second, Polly Heaters make a kit for motorcycling that is not quite as hot as their snowmobile kit. You have to drill a hole in the bars and run the wires, and the heating element sits inside the bar, with no need to remove the grips (only the bar ends).

Buell heated grips cost more, right up there with good heated gloves. If I were to get heated gloves, I know I'd start saving up to buy a heated jacket liner or vest as well. We get a lot of bitter cold weather over here, without always getting the snow or ice. Great riding weather, if you're prepared and you realize your tyres aren't as warm as you'd like.

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