UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

What's it worth
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Author:  fitliker [ 12 Dec 2010 15:09 ]
Post subject:  What's it worth

Going to sell my X1 in the spring and would appreciate any thoughts on what it's worth. It's a 2000 Ltd edition red stripe, which i've owned since new(still got the original receipt). Just haven't used it enough over the last few years. It's got 17000 miles on it and has just been serviced by the local HD dealer. Hopefully there's a pic attached, if not here's a list of some of the extra's.
Colour matched underseat tray and also seat hump. Also side fuel tank covers to cover the frame rails after removing the airbox.
Polished swinging arm, front forks, rear sub frame and wheels.
S&S air cover and filter
ART silencer and standard for MOT's
Twin filter breather mod.
Renthal lower handle bars
Hyperpro front fork springs and rear shock rebuilt by hyperpro.
Carbon fibre hugger
Think thats about it.
Will also be selling various other parts once bike sold depends if buyer wants them.
Race ECM
US Gearing
Buell Pegasus twin seat with red piping
Bagalux tank cover and tank bag.
possibly some other bits and bobs once i clear out the gagrage.
Yip i'll probably regret it but gone and bought an XR1200 hopefully use it more.
Appreciate any feedback
File comment: hopefully a pic of the bike
DSCN15172006-09-02_01.jpg [ 176.35 KiB | Viewed 904 times ]

Author:  1stgarry [ 12 Dec 2010 16:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

I bought a 2001 X1 (not limited or special edition) earlier this year and paid £3K.
Very good nick, 'bout the same mileage, and various extras.
HTH :)

Author:  Adam [ 12 Dec 2010 16:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

'serviced by the local HD dealer' :shock:

I paid £3K for a nice X1 with less than 3K miles on it, about a year ago. I wouldn't part with it for a tarted up Sportster they laughingly call an XR.

Your bike should've had an upgraded shock FOC. Speak to your Dealer ;)

Author:  fitliker [ 12 Dec 2010 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

Shocks been done since the photo was taken.
So take it you didn't like the XR 1200 when you took one out, what was wrong with it??
Also wonder why you've only got 3k miles on your X1 doesn't sound like it got used much.
Appreciate the feedback so far looks like 3k seems to be an average price.

Author:  richie [ 12 Dec 2010 17:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

:rofl: :eat:

Author:  Nutah [ 12 Dec 2010 17:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

8-) £3k maybe £3.5K looks tidy
low mileage one owner , should help to sell it.
good luck :yup:

Author:  Adam [ 12 Dec 2010 17:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

fitliker wrote:
Shocks been done since the photo was taken.
So take it you didn't like the XR 1200 when you took one out, what was wrong with it??
Also wonder why you've only got 3k miles on your X1 doesn't sound like it got used much.
Appreciate the feedback so far looks like 3k seems to be an average price.

Both of my X1s handle better, esp. the one with the AST shock on it. They do most other things better too. You can get into the gearbox easily as well, without a complete motor strip. I know of several cases of this happening to the new pretend 'XR'. The other important factor to me, is that I don't want to pay the wages of people who dishonourably shafted Erik.

Author:  fitliker [ 12 Dec 2010 18:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

Personally i prefer to ride my bikes than get into their gearboxes, but each to their own.
Have to agree the buell does handle great,but time for a change and most of the comments i've read about the XR make it sound like a fun bike.
Be interesting to see how it compares to the buell when i get the chance to use it when the weather gets better.
How many miles have you done on an XR and was it a standard one or with uprated suspension exhaust etc. Be interesting to get some feedback on the comparison.

Author:  kevmean [ 12 Dec 2010 18:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

fitliker wrote:
How many miles have you done on an XR and was it a standard one or with uprated suspension exhaust etc. Be interesting to get some feedback on the comparison.

I've done a few hundred on a standard XR the longest trip being from Lincolnshire to North wales and back...............they are OK but not a match for an X1 in any way be it comfort handling braking or fun...........have done nearly 60K on my Buells and every mile of it has been fun and adventure 8-) Also tank capacity isn't good on the XR if you like to do longer trips ;)

Author:  Nutah [ 12 Dec 2010 18:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

...and it has the wrong name on the tank :twisted:

Author:  1stgarry [ 12 Dec 2010 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

I had an XR1200 and p/ex'd it for an XR1200X.
It's best not to ask what Buell owners/enthusiasts what they think of it and especially how it compares to a Buell.
It's not a Buell.
IMO it's the best, out of the box, air-cooled bike in Harleys range.
I did a thousand miles in France/Belgium on mine, in the company Z1000, RSV Mille, GSXR750, CB1300, CB1000, and it didn't disgrace itself.
That's good enough for me :D

Author:  Adam [ 12 Dec 2010 19:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

kevmean wrote:
fitliker wrote:
How many miles have you done on an XR and was it a standard one or with uprated suspension exhaust etc. Be interesting to get some feedback on the comparison.

I've done a few hundred on a standard XR the longest trip being from Lincolnshire to North wales and back...............they are OK but not a match for an X1 in any way be it comfort handling braking or fun...........have done nearly 60K on my Buells and every mile of it has been fun and adventure 8-) Also tank capacity isn't good on the XR if you like to do longer trips ;)

I'll have to correct you on one thing Kev, along with the Manx, the XR is probably the most successful race bike ever. The Ha*ley you rode to my neck of the woods, isn't one, despite what it said on the tank ;) lOl

Author:  mcrbuelligan [ 13 Dec 2010 08:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

I had a XR both an X and standard on loan for a while - fuel tank is poor and the bike feels long . to ride is feels like a supermoto though with out the punch , handles better than a sportster and there are plenty of mods for them

Author:  spen [ 13 Dec 2010 09:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

Adam wrote:
I'll have to correct you on one thing Kev, along with the Manx, the XR is probably the most successful race bike ever. The Ha*ley you rode to my neck of the woods, isn't one, despite what it said on the tank ;) lOl


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Author:  Adam [ 13 Dec 2010 09:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: What's it worth

:yt: I stand corrected Spen ;)

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