UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Spares and stuff
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Author:  airbraker [ 12 Jan 2011 20:24 ]
Post subject:  Spares and stuff

So now that Dock gate 20 have gone to the wall and Thames Valley what is everybody doing for spares and bits ? The nearest dealer seems to be Guilford ! Has anybody got any more info on Dockgate 20 or is that "The end" ?

Author:  pash [ 12 Jan 2011 20:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff


Author:  muzza [ 12 Jan 2011 21:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

pash that topic you posted there was spot on!

go and talk to mic at guildford hd as he is a huge help with tuber bits :clap:
or bbhd

Author:  woz [ 13 Jan 2011 18:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

:ffs: :headbang: :coat:
enough said

Author:  Nutah [ 13 Jan 2011 19:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

woz wrote:
:ffs: :headbang: :coat:
enough said

or Woz here...

Author:  cyril [ 05 Feb 2011 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

Author:  Maz [ 06 Feb 2011 00:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff


Author:  pash [ 06 Feb 2011 09:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

cyril wrote:

Have they closed down too?

Author:  sportster_mann [ 06 Feb 2011 13:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

Maz wrote:

But you don't do mail order and are a long way from Southampton ... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Author:  sportster_mann [ 06 Feb 2011 13:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

And according to the HD site Dockgate 20 Southampton, Thames Valley Slough and Stratstone Walthamstow are still dealers !!!!!!!!!!!!

Author:  Nutah [ 06 Feb 2011 17:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

sportster_mann wrote:
And according to the HD site Dockgate 20 Southampton, Thames Valley Slough and Stratstone Walthamstow are still dealers !!!!!!!!!!!!

:evilh: ...dont believe everything you read... :evilh:

Author:  DesignTime [ 06 Feb 2011 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

Slough website has gone!

Do you recond they would mind if I took the old Buell sign of the wall for my Shrine?

Author:  pash [ 06 Feb 2011 18:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

Course not... Not as if they need it... Think of it as recycling... After all, it would only go in a landfill...

Author:  att [ 06 Feb 2011 18:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

DesignTime wrote:
Slough website has gone!

Do you recond they would mind if I took the old Buell sign of the wall for my Shrine?

Why not take the van.....I was in the shitehole last Weds and it was in the car park at the front lOl Be easier to remove than the sign I should think :yup:

How anyone would think that an HD dealer would survive in Slough is totally beyond me, most of the inhabitants have only just progressed from the donkey and cart, their next move is obviously a Nissan ;)

Author:  DesignTime [ 08 Feb 2011 09:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spares and stuff

att, I liked your reply very funny!

I had to go to Slough yesterday and I thought I would have a look.

There delivery van is parked over the front doors. No notification on the doors of who the receiver is and a letter from the Gas supplier. I imagine they are going to be cut off.

Looking through the windows there is still stuff like settees, display units, desks and banners no bikes though.

I looked at the sign on the front which is being held up by ratchet straps! The sign on the side is still there. It's nice, but being Slough, crime central there are cameras everywhere and I don't want to go to prison for a holiday (unless it is the Isle of White). I have emailed Deloitte the receiver to ask what they will be doing with the stuff left inside but had no reply.

So not sure what to do? Where would I stand if the police did turn up as I was removing the sign. Technically who owners the sign? The building owner or the receiver or Harley Davidson? :roll:


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