UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Popping on deceleration, is this normal?
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Author:  marshy [ 15 Feb 2011 21:24 ]
Post subject:  Popping on deceleration, is this normal?

Hi All, hoping someone can advise on the following. I bought my first buell a week ago and absolutely loving it, however, just wanted to run something by you to see if it is normal or if I need to get ot seen to. When the bike idles (at running temp) it idles at around 1000 RPM and is as lumpy as I would expect the Harley motor to be, however the one thing that is a little "odd" is that when I accelerate and then decelerate to a stand still the bike pops/backfires (which I think is normal and actually sounds pretty cool ;0)) but while it is idling and I twist the throttle, I get a pop/backfire every now and then which can be a little daunting especially when you are just about to pull into a junction or onto a roundabout. Is this normal or can something be done to improve it?
Any advice is appreciated. Marshy

Author:  Nutah [ 15 Feb 2011 21:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Popping on deceleration, is this normal?

yes & yes :yup:

talk to PASH !!

:evilh: but being a hooligan is more fun :evilh:

Author:  Ash [ 15 Feb 2011 21:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Popping on deceleration, is this normal?

Yes, I get a blue flame out of mine when its really hot :D

Author:  marshy [ 15 Feb 2011 21:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Popping on deceleration, is this normal?

Tks, guess I've been on 4 cylinder 16v for too long. Maybe I just need to change my entire riding style.

Author:  pash [ 15 Feb 2011 21:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Popping on deceleration, is this normal?


Author:  Ash [ 15 Feb 2011 21:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Popping on deceleration, is this normal?

If you ride a Buell like an inline 4 then you will find it hard. Use the torque not the revs, relax and enjoy .... oh, and watch your trousers, your pipe might ignite them :D

Author:  Jill Brown [ 15 Feb 2011 22:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Popping on deceleration, is this normal?

I just love that sound.....make's me quiver with excitement...ooh eerrr! A real bike sound!!! :yup:

Author:  spen [ 15 Feb 2011 23:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Popping on deceleration, is this normal?

Ash wrote:
Yes, I get a blue flame out of mine when its really hot :D

You want to see a doctor about that Ash........

Author:  restone [ 16 Feb 2011 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Popping on deceleration, is this normal?

Does your bike have a mikuni carb?
If so you can reduce the random bang back thru the intake by reducing the gap on the pump actuator needle to around 0.5 mm instaead of the recomended 2mm.
Like everyone has said its normal so enjoy. :yup:
It might be worth just checking intake manifold and exhaust system for leaks, the extra air gets in and ignites unspent fuel in the pipe.
With the engine running spray wd40 around the intake manifold joins (not in the intake) and listen to the engine sound a change indicates a leak.
Check your pipe for soot marks on joins, wrap your hand in an old rag and hold it over the end of the pipe with engine running and listen for noises coming from further up the pipe.
My S1WL sounds like an air raid when you let go of the throttle going down hill especially if its just been well thrashed 8-)

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