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Author:  geoff_52 [ 01 Jul 2011 01:25 ]
Post subject:  FRONT LIGHT SWAP

Hi peeps, Got a 2000 M2 Cyclone with the 8 inch light up front, thinking of fitting a twin light unit of a 2005 XB12S to make it look more cooool, apart from the mounting points which are different, how will I rewire the two seperate lights to the existing loom, and will my wiring take the extra load and what would be the best screen to fit taking into consideration I only have the one gauge (speedo) to cover and most of them are shaped for the extra fitments, any info please :worthy: thanks Geoff.

Author:  chris(madrid) [ 01 Jul 2011 12:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: FRONT LIGHT SWAP

geoff_52 wrote:
Hi peeps, Got a 2000 M2 Cyclone with the 8 inch light up front, thinking of fitting a twin light unit of a 2005 XB12S to make it look more cooool, apart from the mounting points which are different, how will I rewire the two seperate lights to the existing loom, and will my wiring take the extra load and what would be the best screen to fit taking into consideration I only have the one gauge (speedo) to cover and most of them are shaped for the extra fitments, any info please :worthy: thanks Geoff.
Geoff - Think you'll find that whilst they may (or may not) look cool, the light output is less then impressive.

Author:  geoff_52 [ 01 Jul 2011 14:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: FRONT LIGHT SWAP

chris(madrid) wrote:
geoff_52 wrote:
Hi peeps, Got a 2000 M2 Cyclone with the 8 inch light up front, thinking of fitting a twin light unit of a 2005 XB12S to make it look more cooool, apart from the mounting points which are different, how will I rewire the two seperate lights to the existing loom, and will my wiring take the extra load and what would be the best screen to fit taking into consideration I only have the one gauge (speedo) to cover and most of them are shaped for the extra fitments, any info please :worthy: thanks Geoff.
Geoff - Think you'll find that whilst they may (or may not) look cool, the light output is less then impressive.

Thanks for that Chris but I dont ride at night mate, well not the bike anyway ;)

Author:  chris(madrid) [ 01 Jul 2011 19:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: FRONT LIGHT SWAP

geoff_52 wrote:
Thanks for that Chris but I dont ride at night mate, well not the bike anyway ;)
If you want different - you could look at GSG in Germany - nice billet clamps. And there is a German brand of imported Chinese stuff called SHIN-YO - they have unusual lights. They have ready made twin projector lens kits. and dual normal stuff. How about a pair of street triple lights?.

Author:  geoff_52 [ 01 Jul 2011 22:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: FRONT LIGHT SWAP

chris(madrid) wrote:
geoff_52 wrote:
Thanks for that Chris but I dont ride at night mate, well not the bike anyway ;)
If you want different - you could look at GSG in Germany - nice billet clamps. And there is a German brand of imported Chinese stuff called SHIN-YO - they have unusual lights. They have ready made twin projector lens kits. and dual normal stuff. How about a pair of street triple lights?.

Thanks mate I'll give them a look :yup:

Author:  chris(madrid) [ 02 Jul 2011 19:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: FRONT LIGHT SWAP

Found something "unusual" on ebay too today - in the UK. Fork down-tube mounted spotlights. ... 2c5d6e6c91

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