UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

xb9 exhaust
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Author:  airbraker [ 01 Aug 2011 22:38 ]
Post subject:  xb9 exhaust

So why did they make xb exhausts out of pit iron. Thats a technical term for very low grade mild steel. Speaking from an engineering point of view if something is going to hover 6" off the road I would have made it from at the very least a higher grade mild but stainless preferably. Mine has just decided to rot out "at the rush". Anybody got any tips on where to buy a second hand one nothing on ebay at the moment and God only knows what Harley are going to want for a new one and I havent got a spare grand for a race exhaust !

Author:  Maz [ 01 Aug 2011 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb9 exhaust

You need an Albert :idea:

Author:  Nutah [ 02 Aug 2011 11:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb9 exhaust

as Maz says you need an Albert

or a Stealth as they are stainless too BUT Albert's are much superior quality :yup:

Author:  airbraker [ 02 Aug 2011 11:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb9 exhaust

I have sent enquiries.. do these systems require re-tuning or a new ecu ? I know these things run lean as it is and I dont want to burn a hole in my pistons !

Author:  pash [ 02 Aug 2011 12:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb9 exhaust

Who says they run lean?

Author:  airbraker [ 03 Aug 2011 09:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb9 exhaust

What is an "Albert" and do I need to re-tune after fitting a Remus pipe ?

Author:  Nutah [ 03 Aug 2011 10:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb9 exhaust

airbraker wrote:
What is an "Albert" and do I need to re-tune after fitting a Remus pipe ?

Author:  Adam [ 03 Aug 2011 10:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb9 exhaust

My experience of Remus is that the welding is decidedly average (shite on my pipe coz it broke - they didn't want to know either :roll: )
Having seen Alberts creations, they are a work of art with some of the finest welding I've ever seen.
If one broke ( and I've never heard of this happening ) then I imagine he'd be just as upset about it as his customer 8-)

Author:  airbraker [ 09 Aug 2011 15:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb9 exhaust

Sabre Custom Engineering (077637 98029) will shortly be making a replacement s-steel exhaust system for xb series at a bloody reasonable price. Nice bloke as well I'm in the queue worth considering if you cant afford a performance pipe and will work out cheaper than the stock Harley piece of crap that you wont be able to get anyway because they all rotted out in storage !!!!


Author:  pash [ 09 Aug 2011 15:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb9 exhaust

Be interesting to see how it competes with an Albert666 can.

Author:  edd [ 12 Aug 2011 18:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: xb9 exhaust

My own kack handed experiments with the inlet pipe of my own stainless can has shown me that the 984 motor is quite sensitive to what happens downstream of the converging header pipes. :?

I'd guess that Albert666 will not mind me saying that the pipe he made for the XB9 I ogled at the Eporium meet looked to be well formed in this area. ;)

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