UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

buell x1 runing bad
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Author:  gordonm [ 22 Jun 2009 09:15 ]
Post subject:  buell x1 runing bad

hi im new hear im gordon i have a 1999 buell x1 lightning its runing real bad, runs ok for about 12 miles then it starts to miss and backfire and no power, cleend all the wiring concessions, new plugs, new cdi unit,some days its ok then it just get real bad
can some one give me som help thanks

Author:  Norm [ 22 Jun 2009 09:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell x1 runing bad

Has it got any fault codes stored?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's something to do with the temperature sensor in the rear cylinder... assuming that it has one fitted. Do you know if that upgrade was done, Gordon?

Author:  iwoo9 [ 22 Jun 2009 09:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell x1 runing bad

As a left field suggestion: fuel tank breather? :?

Author:  gordonm [ 22 Jun 2009 09:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell x1 runing bad

iwoo9 wrote:
As a left field suggestion: fuel tank breather? :?

yes i thought that so took cap off while i was riding thanks

Author:  gordonm [ 22 Jun 2009 09:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell x1 runing bad

Norm wrote:
Has it got any fault codes stored?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's something to do with the temperature sensor in the rear cylinder... assuming that it has one fitted. Do you know if that upgrade was done, Gordon?

hi no i dont know if the upgrade was done thears no engine managment light on when it playing up and some times it will stop and run ok for a bit thanks

Author:  kevmean [ 22 Jun 2009 10:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell x1 runing bad

Temp sensor problems don't always flag up a fault code..............think all X1's had them fitted as standard but does make them run like shit when playing up.

Author:  gunter [ 22 Jun 2009 10:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell x1 runing bad

If the engine runs well when cold and starts coughing when warming up I also would suspect a faulty engine temp sensor. I also heard about an X1 with similar habit, caused by a faulty fuel pump, but in that case it didn't even run longer than 2 minutes, Also check intake air temp sensor if you are using a third party air filter, because it seems that some of them make hot air from the engine run along the air temp sensor, which then leads to a very lean mixture.

If you stop the engine when hot and coughing and you start again, will it run well then about the first half minute or so?

Author:  Norm [ 22 Jun 2009 20:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell x1 runing bad

kevmean wrote:
Temp sensor problems don't always flag up a fault code..............think all X1's had them fitted as standard but does make them run like shit when playing up.

Nope, they were an upgrade to the '99s, IIRC. Mine was fitted when I got a leaky rear rocker (I think) gasket, essentially fixing my leak FOC.

It's a while ago but I think that the upgrades meant you have a wire poking out from the hole in the middle of the top of the rear rocker cover. Not sure what could be done to check the diagnosis or fix it, if it is the rear temp sensor.

Where's Maz anyway, letting me loose in the tech forum like this! :lol: :lol:

Author:  Maz [ 22 Jun 2009 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell x1 runing bad

ALL X1's have a temp sensor......tis one of the main inputs for the EFI.
99 models had them next to the rear spark plug but a 'mod' saw them moved into the centre of the rear head, which is where they're located on all subsequent models.

Author:  Norm [ 22 Jun 2009 21:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: buell x1 runing bad

Ah... so mine did need an upgrade but, as Kev said, they all had them stock. Thanks.

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