UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

barker exhaust
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Author:  1125rinlytham [ 11 Mar 2012 15:57 ]
Post subject:  barker exhaust

After lots of head scratching think i might lean towards getting a barker exhaust for my 1125r ive read that this really should be fitted with an ebr ecm barker tune any of you lads had any experience of this pipe fitted with or without t"ebr ecm

Author:  Bodhi [ 11 Mar 2012 19:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: barker exhaust

1125rinlytham wrote:
After lots of head scratching think i might lean towards getting a barker exhaust for my 1125r ive read that this really should be fitted with an ebr ecm barker tune any of you lads had any experience of this pipe fitted with or without t"ebr ecm

Before you part with your hard earned, get in touch with Albert666. I have just fitted one of his pipes to my 1125CR and can't recommend him enough.

Author:  Adam [ 11 Mar 2012 20:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: barker exhaust

:yt: Got one of Alberts creations on my 1125 too. Not only is it the best built pipe I've EVER seen on a bike, it's the best sounding one I've heard on a Helicon. Works well with a EBR ecm that has the 'Drummer' tune.
When you get the EBR ecm, don't forget to specify whether you want to keep the engine braking or not. I forgot about this and got one that keeps the throttles trailing. It feels weird at first, but now I'm used to it, I really like it in the twisties :yup:

Author:  battyone [ 12 Mar 2012 08:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: barker exhaust

I've got a twin motorcycles torque hammer and stage one ecm,was significantly better than the remus that the bike came with.Much smoother and a nice deep growl.

Now replaced with an Albert collector and can,plus ebr ecm,loads lighter and much prettier. :yup:

The torquehammer is for sale and I can put the stage1 tune on your ecm.But I'd recommend an Albert everytime :yup:

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