UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Yet another neutral light not working, M2
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Author:  Dunno [ 13 Mar 2012 17:51 ]
Post subject:  Yet another neutral light not working, M2

From what I can find on the forum search feature, it seems that either my neutral switch is kaput or maybe if I'm lucky it just needs cleaning up a bit. Anyway, what I couldn't find an answer to is whether it's possible to pull off the connector that's just in front of the drive sprocket/pulley without having to first remove the pulley.

The manual says to remove the connector (doesn't mention removing the pulley at this stage) and earth it, and if the neutral light comes on then the rest of the circuit is ok... But then I'm not sure I trust the manual bearing in mind what it says about changing drive belts with frame spreaders! :? lOl

I can pull the connector out and feel a click as it lets go, but looks like I'd have to force it to get it past the pulley.. So do I do that or is that likely to bugger it up?

Author:  rik [ 13 Mar 2012 18:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yet another neutral light not working, M2

It should earth on the pulley so that would tell you what you need to know....

Author:  Maz [ 13 Mar 2012 18:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yet another neutral light not working, M2

You dont need to remove the connector to check the circuit.......just pierce the wire with an earth.
You will need to remove the pulley to replace the switch.
Your bike has a bullet connector by the starter, you could pull that apart to earth the lamp ie. from the switch connector to the bullet is only about 4'' of wire.

Author:  Dunno [ 13 Mar 2012 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yet another neutral light not working, M2

rik wrote:
It should earth on the pulley so that would tell you what you need to know....

Ta for the reply :) .. The connector on mine is covered by a rubber or plastic block tho, so can't be earthed against anything without disconnecting it first...

...(or so I thought) -
Maz wrote:
You dont need to remove the connector to check the circuit.......just pierce the wire with an earth.
You will need to remove the pulley to replace the switch.

Aha, ta Maz! :) I'll pierce the wire then :yup:

If it turns out the switch is no good I'll bring the bike up to you if that's ok, don't fancy trying to remove that pulley myself :? (It'll make a change being able to ride the bike up to you under its own steam instead of bringing it in a van after my own failed bodgery lOl )

Author:  Dunno [ 13 Mar 2012 18:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yet another neutral light not working, M2

Maz wrote:
Your bike has a bullet connector by the starter, you could pull that apart to earth the lamp ie. from the switch connector to the bullet is only about 4'' of wire.

Oo, a sneaky edit there! Righto, I'll try that... :)

I guess if you're talking about either piercing the wire or getting into the circuit elsewhere, then that means it's not even possible to get the connector off the switch with the pulley in place, even if I just wanted to try cleaning up the contacts a bit?

Author:  Dunno [ 13 Mar 2012 19:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yet another neutral light not working, M2

Sorry about the double, no, triple post!

I worked that bullet connector thingy apart (long cylindrical thing looks a bit more like a thin fuse holder than a normal bullet connector) and earthed it with the ignition on, neutral light came on nice and bright... :sad1:

Author:  kevmean [ 13 Mar 2012 19:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yet another neutral light not working, M2

Dunno wrote:
Sorry about the double, no, triple post!

I worked that bullet connector thingy apart (long cylindrical thing looks a bit more like a thin fuse holder than a normal bullet connector) and earthed it with the ignition on, neutral light came on nice and bright... :sad1:

Then before you panic clean up the inside of the bullet and also the connector at the switch ........if you're lucky it's just a build up of crap/corrosion there that is stopping it earthing ;) my X1 did that and after cleaning worked for about 3 years ok ;) ......think it's on it's way out now though as mine only works while cold now lOl

Author:  Dunno [ 14 Mar 2012 04:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yet another neutral light not working, M2

lOl Maybe you could rig up a little on-board air conditioning unit to keep it cold all the time :P

Well that would be good if a clean would get it working again... Which brings me back to the original question, can that connector be removed with the pulley still in place? Feels like it needs forcing and I don't know if that would just squish the rubber cover a bit or break the connector or the end of the switch :?

Author:  Maz [ 14 Mar 2012 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yet another neutral light not working, M2

can that connector be removed with the pulley still in place?


Author:  Dunno [ 14 Mar 2012 22:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yet another neutral light not working, M2

Ta :D , I'll have a go at it then...

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