UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

iridium plugs
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Author:  1125rinlytham [ 02 May 2012 23:22 ]
Post subject:  iridium plugs

had a trawl through a buell usa forum read about a guy who put iridium plugs in his 1125r said it made a real difference, anyone on here tried them :?:

Author:  Gee Tee [ 02 May 2012 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: iridium plugs

Had them in mine for a while

Seems to start a little easier from cold now

Author:  milky [ 03 May 2012 22:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: iridium plugs

put a set in my now sold xb12 with magnecor leads and ran smoother and fired up easier,will be doing the same with the X1 when its finished..

Author:  kevmean [ 04 May 2012 09:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: iridium plugs

I've never had any problem with standard plugs in either the x1 or the 1125.
Most people that spend a lot more than they had to will notice a difference because human nature says we don't like to admit we could have had the same performance for less lOl

Author:  rik [ 04 May 2012 10:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: iridium plugs

My experience is with cars but this applies to all IC engines;
Iridium plugs don't give a better spark, like platinum plugs they just last longer, so they have been adopted by manufacturers to cut quoted ('book') maintenance times, especially where access is a problem. This often means that the first factory-fitted set (fitted dry, without grease) are seized-in when the due replacement time comes! So much for time saving then!
All plugs should IMO be removed, cleaned, checked, and refitted with copper-grease annually.
So it makes more sense to stick to the recommended standard plugs and change them annually....may work out cheaper, and your plugs are always fresh!

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