Bought a crash damaged 1125 a couple of weeks ago,bit of engine damage,altenator cover scraped and gear shift shaft snapped off!
No worries have the spares,motor fired up ok,but could feel/hear a rubbing noise around altenator area.As cover was badly battered thought it might be rubbing on rotor?
On strip down inside of case was fine,not touching rotor,but the balance gear just above the crank looked a little blue??? Definitely not right,rotor off and I found a horror show!!!
both the crank gear and the balance weight gear are "burnt" and badly worn, no signs of lube failure on anything else in the area.
these pics compare the damaged gears on the left with a fresh set from another motor.

My first thought was that one of the gears hadn't been hardened properly,but a quick brush with a file shows they are both soft now.The cam chain gear is glass hard still.
Any thoughts? bike has 4k miles.