UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

XB Front Forks
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Author:  Dickyserv [ 15 Feb 2013 16:17 ]
Post subject:  XB Front Forks

Could i manage to change the front frok seals with out the compression tool and the side for knocking them into place ?? as described in the manual

I've a reasonable tool kit and access to a vice and bench


Author:  pash [ 15 Feb 2013 16:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB Front Forks

Not without making a mess of the new seal and fork spacer IMHO.

You can borrow the tools off me if you pay postage.

Author:  WILLYBUELL [ 15 Feb 2013 21:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB Front Forks

DUUUUDE that my line :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Author:  Dickyserv [ 16 Feb 2013 09:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB Front Forks

might just pay the local steelers then an hrs labour to fix them

Author:  Bonzo [ 16 Feb 2013 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB Front Forks

Dickyserv wrote:
might just pay the local steelers then an hrs labour to fix them

Make sure they replace all the other consumable bits and bobs at the same time :!: They didn't do that the first time with mine. Within 30 miles all my fork oil was all over my brake disc and tyre :ill:

Author:  Bonzo [ 16 Feb 2013 14:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB Front Forks

Bonzo wrote:
Dickyserv wrote:
might just pay the local steelers then an hrs labour to fix them

Make sure they replace all the other consumable bits and bobs at the same time :!: They didn't do that the first time with mine. Within 30 miles all my fork oil was all over my brake disc and tyre :ill:

Come to think of it, they didn't even change the fork seals. I just asked them to change the oil, and assumed they'd change out all the seals :sad1:

Author:  kevmean [ 16 Feb 2013 14:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB Front Forks

Bonzo wrote:
Bonzo wrote:
Dickyserv wrote:
might just pay the local steelers then an hrs labour to fix them

Make sure they replace all the other consumable bits and bobs at the same time :!: They didn't do that the first time with mine. Within 30 miles all my fork oil was all over my brake disc and tyre :ill:

Come to think of it, they didn't even change the fork seals. I just asked them to change the oil, and assumed they'd change out all the seals :sad1:

When your firm asks people to take the oil from under the sea do they expect them to build a new rig if they weren't asked to ;)

Author:  Bonzo [ 16 Feb 2013 15:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB Front Forks

kevmean wrote:
Bonzo wrote:
Bonzo wrote:
Dickyserv wrote:
might just pay the local steelers then an hrs labour to fix them

Make sure they replace all the other consumable bits and bobs at the same time :!: They didn't do that the first time with mine. Within 30 miles all my fork oil was all over my brake disc and tyre :ill:

Come to think of it, they didn't even change the fork seals. I just asked them to change the oil, and assumed they'd change out all the seals :sad1:

When your firm asks people to take the oil from under the sea do they expect them to build a new rig if they weren't asked to ;)

Actually, after a bit more thinking (not easy after 2 G+T's), I paid for "fork refurbishment". They were supposed to change the seals. They attempted to change the seals but found they had the wrong seals in stock (for the older thinner forks) when they tried to fit them, so they put the old ones back in and didn't tell me.

Author:  kevmean [ 16 Feb 2013 16:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB Front Forks

:D ;)

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