UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

'99 Flywheel vs '00 weight
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Author:  x1glider [ 02 Mar 2013 06:09 ]
Post subject:  '99 Flywheel vs '00 weight

Curious if anyone knows the weight difference between these years and if that difference is due solely to the different constructions.

What I'm contemplating is lightening my '99 to the same as the '00 but not sure if it's worth the effort. I'm not so concerned about the actual mass as I am the inertia.

I shoud have the bike in 2 or 3 weeks but am already planning it's disassembly for a big bore kit and some headwork... not to mention a host of other chassis things. For some reason I thought I would actually ride it for a while but I'm jonesing to do a frame-up resto/mod.

Besides, it sat unused for 3 years in New Mexico so tearing it down completely seems prudent before riding it anywhere.

Author:  al_f_au [ 04 Mar 2013 00:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: '99 Flywheel vs '00 weight

I noticed your inquiry and for something to do i started hunting for someone who should have the answers,costs and all.
It costs nothing to ask questions so give this mob a call.

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