UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Spark plug
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Author:  kevmean [ 15 Mar 2013 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Spark plug

So what do we think caused this on Harrys TZR50 yesterday ? had to go and rescue him with the trailer after his bike stopped on the main road ....................In his words it suddenly lost power then cut out............ upon investigation I found the spark plug bridged by something that appeared to be welded across electrodes ................... bike still had normal compression and looking in the plug hole the top of the piston looked in very good condition as far as I can see. Put a replacement plug in and bike seems to sound and run as normal.
So any of you two smoke fans .........what do you think? ..............imminent melt down or nothing to worry about lOl

spark plug.jpg
spark plug.jpg [ 114.32 KiB | Viewed 562 times ]

Author:  deepsix [ 15 Mar 2013 23:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

Methinks Harry should carry a spare plug and plug spanner iike wot all yoof used to :old: Only way home from the pub when underaged drinking in days of yore. :yup:

Author:  kevmean [ 15 Mar 2013 23:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

Biggest problem is all the plastics that make what should be simple tasks take an age to check lOl ...long live naked bikes lOl

Author:  Adam [ 15 Mar 2013 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

Strikes me that he's been thrashing the tits off it 8-) 8-)

Looks like it might like a grade harder plug :? Is the timing bang on? I don't think it's a mixture problem, but this is just a guess :?

I think the thrashing theory is far more likely lOl

Author:  kevmean [ 15 Mar 2013 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

I did jet it up a few weeks ago because it seemed a bit weak ........... wasn't sure what's been done to it but found it had already got a 92 main jet instead of the standard 88 (now running 96)......... since realised that somebody has removed a cone from the expansion chamber inlet and I think maybe changed the ecu some how because apparently standard they only rev to about 7K this one revs to about 10500 ............or off the clock downhill according to H lOl lOl so I think the thrash the tits off it could possibly be correct lOl

Author:  barney [ 16 Mar 2013 03:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

kevmean wrote:
thrash the tits off it could possibly be correct lOl

Like father like son lOl

Author:  WILLYBUELL [ 16 Mar 2013 09:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

barney wrote:
kevmean wrote:
thrash the tits off it could possibly be correct lOl

Like father like son lOl

:yup: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Author:  pash [ 16 Mar 2013 10:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

It was probably a drop of aluminium that got through the air filter then took a fancy to the electrode gap...

I would get a borescope down there and look for signs of erosion on the crown and head...

Author:  kevmean [ 16 Mar 2013 10:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

pash wrote:
It was probably a drop of aluminium that got through the air filter then took a fancy to the electrode gap...

I would get a borescope down there and look for signs of erosion on the crown and head...

I would if I had access to one lOl

Author:  Adam [ 16 Mar 2013 12:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

kevmean wrote:
pash wrote:
It was probably a drop of aluminium that got through the air filter then took a fancy to the electrode gap...

I would get a borescope down there and look for signs of erosion on the crown and head...

I would if I had access to one lOl

As it's a stink wheel, it'd be a lot easier just to whip the lid off and have a peek at the crown. Like Pash said, it may some contamination from the piston skirt etc that's been pushed through the inlet port :?

(Because he's been thrashing it lOl )

Author:  pash [ 16 Mar 2013 12:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

I was being fasicious when I mentioned the air filter, the bottom line is it has come from somewhere in the engine...

Author:  Adam [ 16 Mar 2013 12:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

pash wrote:
I was being fasicious when I mentioned the air filter, the bottom line is it has come from somewhere in the engine...

:yt: Stage 1 tuning for 16yr olds in this neck of the woods, is ripping out the air filter lOl lOl

Author:  vern [ 16 Mar 2013 14:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

Used to be called Plug Whiskering and was a common phenomenom in "petroil" days.
Not sure if anyone really knew what caused it but often put down to type of oil used and sometimes petrol used. Have you used a different oil recently or filled up from a different garage? Never known it to cause any damage so I wouldn't worry unduly. Carry a spare plug and spanner and put it down to "Character"!!!

Author:  cyclonem2pete [ 16 Mar 2013 22:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spark plug

Try hotter plug or iridium one, better to run rich than lean, take exhaust off look in hole at side and bottom of piston, if it still has good compression I wouldn't worry too much about it, I had rd350s for 10 years before I got a buell, no going back now lol

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