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 Post subject: Engine cut out??
PostPosted: 15 Mar 2013 18:26 
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Now then people..can i put something to ya??

Willy and thissen have just done the oil pump drive thingy..I put the bits back to-gether after his nibbs had gone, I tried to start her up earler this afternoon, no joy, its sounded like the battery was flat, but it was showing 13volts on the meter, so i puts it on charge for a while anyway,30 mins later it fires, much clattering as the oil found its way around but ran fine, then it cuts out, dead, no lights nothing, back into the workshop,back on charge, 30 mins fires and stops after a few mins, we go through this sevral times, then :idea: the side stand was down, i moves it up (bike on padock stand) lights come out side, on padock stand this time, bike fires and runs no problem, put side stand down nothing still running.......I pulled all the wiring back out to check for breakages ect but couldnt find my question?? do i disconect the side stand switch and if so were???? daft question I know but there you go....

Cheers Woody.

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 Post subject: Re: Engine cut out??
PostPosted: 15 Mar 2013 19:39 

Joined: 16 Nov 2011 20:57
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Get rid of the pesky thing!
There's a connector about 2 inches from the switch on my X1.
Mines off, but I haven't checked if it's N/O or N/C. You'll either have to unplug it, or just join the wires.
I can hear a micro switch on the clutch lever too, but not sure what it does yet. That'll be getting the chop too.
I'm a fan of natural selection... :)

 Post subject: Re: Engine cut out??
PostPosted: 15 Mar 2013 19:42 
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Joined: 06 May 2009 17:28
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They need shorting together on the X1's and the same I believe on the early XB's ;)

2001 X1 2009 1125CR 2006 Uly X3 2010 Uly a fully Maz'd S1 and a 1991 RS1200 Westwind.

 Post subject: Re: Engine cut out??
PostPosted: 15 Mar 2013 23:04 
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kevmean wrote:
They need shorting together on the X1's and the same I believe on the early XB's ;)

I lopped the stand and clutch switch off the Xtra Raptor that I once had and the bike ran like a pile of poo afterwards. It took me ages to find out that the clutch switch was used to tell the ECM to switch to a different map when the lever was pulled in :? Fekin genius eh? :roll: lOl

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 Post subject: Re: Engine cut out??
PostPosted: 15 Mar 2013 23:24 
Think Pink
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kevs right mate ,the switch is a rotary affeir with just two wires ,the wireing runs across the engine and into the loom just in front of engine sprocket were all those connectors are ,cut the wires just before the switch ,join um, make sure they cant earth and tie wrap to an oil line or were you think good ,glad you bike stopped rattling once the oil got round :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


 Post subject: Re: Engine cut out??
PostPosted: 16 Mar 2013 07:48 

Joined: 16 Nov 2011 20:57
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Yes, it's always a good idea to do a similar thing to what we marine Guys call "barring" the engine before you fire her up. (Athough this is usually done to get the crank in a certain position.)
You could do the equivalent, and spin her over without the plugs in, to get some oil pressure before you fire her up.
I've always done this with my car engines.

 Post subject: Re: Engine cut out??
PostPosted: 16 Mar 2013 11:59 
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Mickrick wrote:
Yes, it's always a good idea to do a similar thing to what we marine Guys call "barring" the engine before you fire her up. (Athough this is usually done to get the crank in a certain position.)
You could do the equivalent, and spin her over without the plugs in, to get some oil pressure before you fire her up.
I've always done this with my car engines.

:yt: Priming a motor on the starter is always a good idea if you've had it apart.

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