UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts out
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Author:  mlaw [ 06 May 2013 21:54 ]
Post subject:  1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts out

hi. last couple of days when i have ridden my buell 2007 xb12scg after about 40mins to 1hr with about 1 or 2 starts in between i notice the red engine warning light comes on and then soon after i lose power to the dials,lights and indicators and finally within a few minutes the engine will cut out as soon as it drops to idle rev and wont restart just clicks.i then charge the battery and it starts but will do the same thing again if i go for a ride. i have cleaned up earth points but wanted to get some opinions on if this sounds like a knackered battery or something else. the bike cannot be bump started as the battery is fully depleted (although there is still enough power for the alarm to activate when key removed ) so im assuming its the battery but if anyone else has had this same problem and it wasn't the battery then i would appreciate your advice before buying the wrong item.thanks mark

Author:  pash [ 06 May 2013 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts

Stator? Rectifier/Regulator?

Battery doesn't appear to be charging.

Have a look in the How To section to check how to test it.

Author:  mlaw [ 06 May 2013 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts

ok.ill look it up but the battery will charge it just doesn't hold it for long.thanks mark

Author:  pash [ 07 May 2013 05:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts

The charger charges it but the stator/regulator/rectifier doesn't...


Author:  mlaw [ 07 May 2013 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts

thanks for pointing me in the right direction and it seems i got lucky as all i did was unplug the stator and rectifier connector plugs gave them a quick clean and made sure the pins were straight plugged them back in and then connected a battery/alternator tester and it now shows the battery is receiving a very good charge unlike before. went out on a good ride today and when i got back the battery still had a full charge and tester showed the battery was still receiving a charge. fingers crossed

Author:  kevmean [ 09 May 2013 12:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts

ACF50 or silicon grease are your friends when it comes to preventing corrosion on electrical connectors ;)

Author:  pash [ 09 May 2013 12:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts

Or Silicon grease as I have used on my '77' connector...

Author:  mlaw [ 09 May 2013 20:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts

ok,ill get some and thanks for the advice.

Author:  pash [ 09 May 2013 20:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts

ACF50 from a bike shop (maybe Lightning Services have it), silicon grease from Maplin...

Author:  mr waff [ 12 May 2013 17:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts

The stuff from Maplins is, Contralube dielectric grease,have used on all connectors, battery connections & ground points.

Author:  bigshineybike [ 21 Sep 2015 11:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts out

I am going through exactly this with my X1.
I've done all the checks and found the Stator to be open circuit.

I have been inside the engine casings recently so it could be down to hamfistedness on my part and a simple loose wire.
But I fear the worst.
If I replace the stator ;
1. should I buy an aftermarket item such as the Accel version.
2. should I automatically buy a new regulator
3. were in Uk is a good source of these bits.
4.what model Harley is the same?

What might have caused this? the day before it broke it was proper heavy raining.
the morning it broke I heard a little 'electrical crack' just as I started it. I rode 12 miles in heavy traffic before the red lights came on and then within another two miles the clocks went out and then at traffic lights 50 yards from the works gate the engine stopped. the headlamp was still on.

Author:  pash [ 21 Sep 2015 16:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts out

bigshineybike wrote:
1. should I buy an aftermarket item such as the Accel version.

Dunno. I think Thorkill wrote something about them here. I am sure they are made by the same company anyway...

bigshineybike wrote:
2. should I automatically buy a new regulator

Only if it is bust...

bigshineybike wrote:
3. were in Uk is a good source of these bits.

For genuine HD (or Buell) parts, Riders of Bristol, 13% discount for UKBEG
For aftermarket parts, try I believe if you type UKBEG into the peach box on checkout you get 11% discount

bigshineybike wrote:
4.what model Harley is the same?

Sportster!!! Probably others too...

Author:  kevmean [ 21 Sep 2015 18:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts out

And stay with a gearbox oil that doesn't damage the insulation on the stator wires ;)

Author:  Adam [ 21 Sep 2015 19:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts out

Be careful cleaning electrical connectors with abrasives. They're usually steel with a 'Brassed' coating. Once you rub through the thin coating, they can rust quickly. ACF 50, also do a grease, but silicone grease is fine :yup:

Author:  bigshineybike [ 21 Sep 2015 23:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st red warning light 2nd lose power to dials etc & cuts out

Twin Motorcycles have a stator to fit for around £75 delivered. I cannot find a regulator for under £110 new so fitting one 'just in case' is a little beyond me for now.

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