UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

XB9R USA Import - any differences to UK bike??
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Author:  xb9rBob [ 29 Jun 2015 13:10 ]
Post subject:  XB9R USA Import - any differences to UK bike??

Hi, hoping to look at a USA imported XB9R. Are there any differences to the UK bike?

I've looked at specs online and different websites seem to list different BHP - but none mention why and if that is a specific country spec.

Thanks, Bob

Author:  Charlie (Buzz) 716 [ 30 Jun 2015 16:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB9R USA Import - any differences to UK bike??

Don't US bikes have different gearing (primary and final I think) that gives better acceleration but lower top end and more revs at any given speed in top? Might only be the 12's but sure :maz: or someone will be along soon to put me in my place ;)

Author:  jiltedjohn [ 30 Jun 2015 21:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB9R USA Import - any differences to UK bike??

Headlights ?

Author:  mojomick [ 30 Jun 2015 22:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB9R USA Import - any differences to UK bike??

If it is later than 2005 (i.e. under 10 years old) you may have to submit it to an SVA test, unless it is already UK registered.

Author:  Adam [ 30 Jun 2015 22:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: XB9R USA Import - any differences to UK bike??

They put European gearing on the Tubers they exported to please the Hippies.

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