UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.
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Author:  yawningcat [ 26 Feb 2016 18:26 ]
Post subject:  Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.

Hi all,
As some of you know, my beloved was stolen in January and I found it again via the power of Facebook. Since then, I've given it some TLC and replaced the busted parts and gave it new plugs and leads from Harley and did the top rocker gaskets while I was at it.
Today was the maiden voyage, it started out okay . . . . . . It was running slightly odd to start spitting occasionally, but I put that down to low battery voltage and it did seem to improve when it was outside my garage idling.
So began the ride out, all seemed fine but then it started missing a little, then a lot. I thought it was maybe down to the open air box conversion I'd put on sucking in freezing air as its a cold day and maybe a bit of icing up was occurring as I had a car that did similar, however I pulled over to get some heat back in the air box, it improved a little on idle but when I pulled away the misfire was back.
It gradually got worse and worse, at first it cleared on full throttle (eeeeeeeek) but soon reverted back to miss firing farting and popping.
By the time I limped back home it would hardly idle, spitting back on a regular basis so I ended up pushing it home.
Got it back in the garage, hooked up to ecmspy, it shows no faults on the log. I've posted a video on the forums Facebook page, I'm just uploading it to YouTube so will link it, it shows the ecmspy live running data and you can hear how the bike is running.
I've looked around the Internet and found no definitive answer . . ..
I'm stumped - any constructive ideas really welcomed as Facebook has turned in to a bit of a guessing game for everyone :headbang: which is no help at all.
Thanks in advance.

Author:  pash [ 26 Feb 2016 18:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.

Normally issues occur when something changes, and the key thing here is the new leads and plugs... Are the leads seated properly?

Author:  yawningcat [ 26 Feb 2016 18:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.

I was so careful to do that and checked that none of it moved when I rotated the motor back in to place, is there a decent way of checking without rotating the motor back out again?

Author:  pash [ 26 Feb 2016 18:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.

Are the earths all connected and tight?

You don't need to rotate the engine to change the plugs not check the plug caps are on.

Don't believe the alarmist posts on Facebook.

Author:  yawningcat [ 26 Feb 2016 18:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.

Having trouble inbedding the video on my iPad, harrumph.

I guessed the alarmists were alarmists with no true knowledge, I just wondered if there was anything that could be read from the live data as I'm no techno head.

I'll wait till it's all cooled down and have a look over the basics in the morning, still a bit beyond me how you get to the back plug, could do with hiring a pixie to pop in there and take a look :D

Author:  DaveH [ 26 Feb 2016 19:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.

For the rear plug a plug socket, extension bar and universal joint plus ratchet. For the rear plug cap, a pair of these ... 0mm/VS867/ so you don't end up pulling on the plug lead cos you'll pull it out of the plug cap :yup:

Author:  barney [ 27 Feb 2016 08:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.

here's a you tube vid showing you how

Author:  coco [ 27 Feb 2016 09:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.

i saw all the alarmists and i aint got a clue is why i say ride it up to maz, on full throttle of course :rotfl:

Author:  Nutah [ 27 Feb 2016 14:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.

pash wrote:
Normally issues occur when something changes, and the key thing here is the new leads and plugs... Are the leads seated properly?

:yt: recheck all the things you have done , as it was ok before the theft
remember slow & methodical ,might be something as simple as a pushed back connection in a plug
good luck :yup:

Author:  Bonzo [ 28 Feb 2016 23:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Buell xb9sx has turned in to a gibbering idiot.

I had similar problems after rotating the engine. The HD shop eventually traced it to chafed wires in the main loom under the seat. It had probably been chafing for years, and the movement in the loom due to rotating the engine sealed its fate. The damage wasn't visible, but you could see where the seat had been in contact with the loom.

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