UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Home made speed sensor for XB9R
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Author:  LinusN [ 21 Aug 2009 23:13 ]
Post subject:  Home made speed sensor for XB9R


Last weeks I have been busy making a better speed sensor than the original crap.
I am soo close to have finished this project now, and thought maybe someone would be interested. Link

Author:  Maz [ 21 Aug 2009 23:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

Make sure you feed it with the regulated 5V from the ecm CPS rather than battery voltage :idea:

Author:  LinusN [ 21 Aug 2009 23:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

The goal was to make this as simple as possible, and adding a 5v regulator did not feel necessary. The hall effect sensor's maximum supply voltage is 26.5 volts.
The voltage suppression diode in combination with the lowpass filter should do the trick. One thing I would change to the next version is the voltage of the diode. 24v is a bit too close to maximum supply voltage...

Author:  Maz [ 21 Aug 2009 23:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

5V regulator is already wire supply to the CPS from the ECM is regulated 5V and right next to the VSS connector :idea:

Author:  LinusN [ 22 Aug 2009 00:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

Maybe it's there, but not in the speedometer sensor connector.
+, there is no need for 5v.

Author:  Maz [ 22 Aug 2009 00:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

Wanna bet :lol:

Author:  LinusN [ 22 Aug 2009 00:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

Yes, you can get 5v out of the white wire, but not as a supply (if I have not got everything wrong).

The white wire is the speedometer input, with integrated pull-up resistor to 5v. Since both the Buell original sensor and the sensor I made has an Open Collector output, the pull-up is necessary to get a pulse train out of it.
I can't see why I should try to use that as a supply.
Or maybe I am completely wrong... :D

Author:  Maz [ 22 Aug 2009 00:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

Yep, completely wrong......

I am suggesting that you break into the red/white wire of the cam position sensor for a feed......this is regulated 5V.
The plug for this sensor is in the same location as the speed sensor plug.
Pull the gray wire out of the speed sensor connector and insulate it, splice into the red/white and place it where the gray was.

Author:  LinusN [ 22 Aug 2009 00:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

I was right then...
There is no 5v in the speed sensor connector.

I am quite certain that the reason that the original sensors gets destroyed is not because the 12-16V they are fed with, but from the voltage spikes and other nasty things that the alternator might cause. It's pretty impressing that the original sensor is now at the third revision and yet they have not managed to put enough protection in it. I'd guess there is no protection at all...

Author:  Maz [ 22 Aug 2009 00:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R


VSS has batt. voltage (gray to red), earth (black) and signal (white).

Even though your new sensor can cope with 26.5V the shite Buell Vreg can spike at much more than that and will fry your sensor in a nano second......CPS connector is rubbing up right next to your VSS connector, why not play it safe and get a free regulated 5V supply :?:

BTW, in answer to your edit......all 06 models onwards have the 5V supply I've described above.

Author:  LinusN [ 22 Aug 2009 00:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

I know the wiring of the VSS connector. Would have some problem connecting a custom sensor otherwise :p

Why not do some proper filtering of the supply, and the problem is gone?
Also, I like the idea of keeping everything original + thought it would be interesting to give it a try. If i wanted to do this as easy as possible, I would not have built a new sensor myself, but bought a new (crappy) one.

Also, if the sensor would brake it would cost me max £5 to fix it.

Author:  Maz [ 22 Aug 2009 00:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

I give up mate :roll: ......good luck with your project but remember what I said above when it fails :twisted:

Author:  LinusN [ 22 Aug 2009 00:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

Be my guest.
I'd guess the failure will be of catastrophic proportions, when (if) my £10 (a bit over-estimated) sensor fails. :o
I understand your point, but also hope that you would understand mine. It's not a space shuttle I'm dealing with, and thought I could learn something from trying around a bit.
If I in the future decide to use 5v, I will put a regulator in the sensor so I don't have to do any modifications to the original wiring.

Did not know that they have solved the problem by supplying 5v from '06 and on. Now i know ;)

Author:  Maz [ 22 Aug 2009 00:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

No worries, as I said, good luck.......I built and sold a vreg/surge protector for years and many here still have them on their bikes, works very well but not as simple as using what's already available on the bike ie. 50mm of wire and 2 pieces of heat shrink, versus 5 quids worth of components and the time to assemble.

Author:  LinusN [ 22 Aug 2009 00:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Home made speed sensor for XB9R

I can afford some failures for the £140 i saved by making the sensor myself. :)
Yes they are very expensive in Sweden. Of course I could have ordered it from GB, but it would still have been a lot more expensive than mine.

As I said, i get your point - but liked the idea of assembling a new sensor. Doing things by the book may often be effective, but I wouldn't have gained much experience from it. :geek:

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