UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.
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Author:  Bublnsqueak [ 29 Apr 2019 16:14 ]
Post subject:  Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.

Well the threads in the crankcase for mounting the side-stand are properly chewed out.
Previous owner has helicoiled them and they are just mush.
Also Uploaded a file
Anyway, I'm sure you've seen knackered threads before.

Hopefully the photo has worked and you can see the issue (one helicoil fell out).
I have a chum making up some appropriate steel bits threaded on both in and outside which needs doing in any event.

My question is how much meat is there in those lugs cast into the crankcase?
How far to the offside (right) of the bike do they extend on the inside?
It's a weak design and I see that there is a mod on later bikes moving to 3 bolts. If there is enough meat on both then I would make up a plate and go to 4 bolts.

I have looked in the parts list and the service manual but can't find an image that will help me to relax while drilling into the crankcase. Does anyone have any photos of the inside of that casting, or know their way around this area?

Thanks in Advance

IMG_20190429_152915.jpg [ 1021.55 KiB | Viewed 2332 times ]

Author:  rik [ 03 May 2019 13:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.

Can't believe no one's responded to this yet...
I can't help specifically with XB geography as I've never owned nor stripped one but, as a (properly fitted) 'helicoil' is stronger than its equivalent size non-helicoiled tapped thread, I would persevere with the principle but go up a size or two...a nice course thread like 3/8 UNC or M10 x 1.5 should be fine. I would imagine that the previous repair was not tapped out square, or fully thread cut to the bottom, and thus the helicoil was doomed.

Author:  Nutah [ 03 May 2019 14:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.

:yt: as Rik has said

Author:  Bublnsqueak [ 06 May 2019 06:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.

Thanks for your input.

I guess it is unlikely that someone stripping out an XB crankcase would notice / photograph the stand mounting lugs. So unless someone has one on the bench then they can't help.

I will go with the original design using steel inserts for now but if that fails I will have to think again.


Author:  pash [ 06 May 2019 13:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.

I’ve got some crank cases on the bench. I’ll take some photos (will be tomorrow at the earliest).

Author:  kevmean [ 06 May 2019 19:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.

Timesert inserts would probably be stronger than helicoils.

Author:  pash [ 06 May 2019 20:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.

kevmean wrote:
Timesert inserts would probably be stronger than helicoils.

We use helicoils at work, not timeserts...

Author:  Maz [ 06 May 2019 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.

:yt: ....I hate Timeserts :)

Author:  spondon440 [ 18 Jun 2019 18:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.

So do I.

Author:  Bublnsqueak [ 08 Jul 2019 09:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crankcase Casting - 06 Ulysses sidestand mount.

I have some stainless tubes threaded inside and out that a friend has made up for me - should be stronger than the Timeserts and Helicoils

Found my picture - someone selling one on FB

Looks like I can go to 3 or 4 bolts.

Buell Crankcase.jpg
Buell Crankcase.jpg [ 65.52 KiB | Viewed 1992 times ]

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