UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

The Tubbs 1125 pipe
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Author:  Adam [ 02 Sep 2009 14:54 ]
Post subject:  The Tubbs 1125 pipe

I've got a few hundred miles on the pipe that Tubbs modified for my 1125 now and out of all the different pipes I've heard on these bikes, this is the sweetest sounding. On a constant light throttle it tends to have a Ducati type drone to it and when pulling hard, it has a pleasing growl as well. None of the noise is particularly offensive and combined with induction noise, it probably seems a bit louder to the rider than it actually is. I've stood by the road and had Mrs Adam ride past on it and it didn't seem offensive at all, although I'm probably not the best person to judge what a noisy bike is

My arse dyno definately feels it to be on a par with the Remus I took off the bike and if anything, the midrange seems to be a little stronger but that may just be an impression, as you know, unless done back to back on the same day, a Dyno can tell you anything you want to hear.
When I first started the bike up I was a bit startled at the paint finish. When it got hot it started to bubble and smoke quite dramatically but when it cooled down it went rock hard again. After a few of these heat cycles, the smoking stopped and the paint stayed rock hard, I don't know what the coating is but it seems very durable 8-) To be fair, Tubbs did warn me about having to heat cycle the paint though.
So all all in, I'm a very happy Bunny with the pipe and another nice thing is the price - it costs less than half than you'd pay for the inferior competition 8-) 8-) 8-)

Nice one Tubbs :yup:

Author:  Beef [ 02 Sep 2009 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Tubbs 1125 pipe

Sounds good Adam.....well done Tubbsy :!: :lol:

Author:  tubbs [ 02 Sep 2009 20:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Tubbs 1125 pipe

oh stop it....................
thanks adam its nice when people post, again thanks and you will have around 7 to 9 rwhp more...........FACT.

Author:  Dirty John [ 03 Sep 2009 07:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Tubbs 1125 pipe

Damn Remus can, the circlip has just broken when trying to get the baffle out, crap metal used, the circlip is free to rotate but couldn't handle being compressed by the cirlcip pliers - Adam, this happened to your Remus can didn't it.
At least Matt has come through with the repalcement header clamps.

Author:  Adam [ 03 Sep 2009 10:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Tubbs 1125 pipe

Dirty John wrote:
Damn Remus can, the circlip has just broken when trying to get the baffle out, crap metal used, the circlip is free to rotate but couldn't handle being compressed by the cirlcip pliers - Adam, this happened to your Remus can didn't it.
At least Matt has come through with the repalcement header clamps.

Not quite mate. No circlip pliers were involved in my episode. My circlip escaped all by itself and allowed the baffle to drop out.
I was offered the purchase of a new baffle and all Remus were prepared to do was replace the circlip since this was the part that failed.
End result, future customer lost :roll:

Author:  skipthedog [ 03 Sep 2009 13:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Tubbs 1125 pipe

MarkJ was kind enough to swap his Tubbs exhaust for my original and I can say it's a great improvement; I agree with Adam sounds just right and not too loud, seems to rev easier through the range in each gear.
If anyone is thinking of changing out their 1125R or CR exhaust give Tubbs a call before parting with your cash at a Dealer for a shi'ny equivalent ;) . Well done Tubbs :clap: . Good luck MarkJ :yup:

Author:  tubbs [ 03 Sep 2009 15:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Tubbs 1125 pipe

skipthedog wrote:
MarkJ was kind enough to swap his Tubbs exhaust for my original and I can say it's a great improvement; I agree with Adam sounds just right and not too loud, seems to rev easier through the range in each gear.
If anyone is thinking of changing out their 1125R or CR exhaust give Tubbs a call before parting with your cash at a Dealer for a shi'ny equivalent ;) . Well done Tubbs :clap: . Good luck MarkJ :yup:
thanks very much. :yup:

Author:  Dirty John [ 03 Sep 2009 18:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Tubbs 1125 pipe

any pics of this tubbs exhaust, I may be tempted to get one

Author:  Adam [ 03 Sep 2009 19:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Tubbs 1125 pipe

It looks completely standard Officer, except that it has a single reverse cone outlet 8-)

Author:  Ash [ 03 Sep 2009 20:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Tubbs 1125 pipe

Is there much inside ... ?!

Author:  Adam [ 03 Sep 2009 20:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Tubbs 1125 pipe

Ash wrote:
Is there much inside ... ?!

Yep, lots of rust :rofl: :hehe:..........and mine was a fairly fresh one bought from the US.

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