UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

oil temp reached light.....
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Author:  Babybadger [ 06 Sep 2009 14:54 ]
Post subject:  oil temp reached light.....

Anyone know of a mod that turns a light on on the dash, when the X1 reaches 140°C? Or turns it off would proabably be better, and where would be the best place to wire it in?

Author:  pash [ 06 Sep 2009 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: oil temp reached light.....

Not from the ECM, however you could rig up some circuit knowing what the output of the sensor is. There are cleverer people than me on the forum, but I am guessing there is a bias applied to the sensor and based on the voltage drop, you can work out the resistance. You would need to be able to measure from the sensor with a massive input impeadance otherwise you would make the ECM think the temperature was different and the ECM would get all the corrections wrong.

Why do you want to do it anyway?

Author:  chris(madrid) [ 06 Sep 2009 15:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: oil temp reached light.....

KOSO do some after market instruments that have a programmable TEMP reached light. Not expensive ... 5c4afcdcfa

140ºC is OVER TEMP imo.

Author:  pash [ 07 Sep 2009 06:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: oil temp reached light.....

Hmmm, misread that. Thought you meant engine temp. There is no oil temperature measurement on an X1.

Anyway, this is my engine temperature measured during a session at Croix en Ternois (short twisty circuit in France).


Author:  spen [ 07 Sep 2009 16:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: oil temp reached light.....

I've got a couple of digital display temp gauges, I got them a few years ago to sort an overheating problem on one of the race bikes, it would be dead easy to drop the sensor wire into the oil tank and monitor the temperature on the display. The units are about 2 inches by 1 inch. I can post you one if you wish.

Author:  Babybadger [ 08 Sep 2009 16:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: oil temp reached light.....

Not sure if it should be engine or oil temp.

Well the idea is to get it up to running temp before I hammer of down the road, as it is, I leave it about 2-3 mins until the tickover change and become more relaxed , then I ride off. As the winter kicks in , it will be more difficult to hear/guage this happening.

Author:  chris(madrid) [ 09 Sep 2009 17:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: oil temp reached light.....

ENGINE TEMP if it's 150ºC - but even this is relative - It refers I would think to the heads - then which one?

Most OIL TEMP GAUGES STOP at 150ºC - you could fit an oil temp guage - once that is about 60ºC you can safely assume the engine is warmed through. Takes me 18-20 miles to get oil up to 75ºC here in summer (with the inside temp at almost 30ºC to start with).

Author:  gunter [ 09 Sep 2009 18:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: oil temp reached light.....

From my experience (and several others who tried that also): leave it or you will be worrying your ass off all the time. Just ride. It's much better without any gauge.

Author:  Adam [ 09 Sep 2009 18:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: oil temp reached light.....

:yt: If you really want to poo yerself, then hook up an oil pressure gauge to an air cooled Buell :lol:

Author:  chris(madrid) [ 10 Sep 2009 11:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: oil temp reached light.....

Adam wrote:
:yt: If you really want to poo yerself, then hook up an oil pressure gauge to an air cooled Buell :lol:
Ooooh goody - run out of exlax. What thread is the switch?- 1/8NPT? If so I just happen to have a sender, T-piece and unused guage :lol: It's really destined for the TwinCam. :dance:

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