UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Age old XB12 Fuelling question
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Author:  Buzz [ 28 Jun 2010 21:22 ]
Post subject:  Age old XB12 Fuelling question

Hi all,

Been reading everything i can about tuning the fuel map with logging from ECM Spy.

The bike is a '53 XB12R, fitted with vented airbox, stock filter and open FreeSpirits 403 Big Oval and stock ECM

I currently have the race map for the year on with the race map timing as well.
It has the obligatory flat spots and bit crappy running all over and i want to clear it up best I can.

If i'm going to datalog, should i put the standard map back on first and use that as the starting point?

I'm mechanically minded and capable but EFI is a bit of magic to me really, what I'd really like is if anyone could send me an altered map to suit the pipe that they've already done. But i'm not adverse to putting the time in myself, just a bit unsure of how to go about it all really.

If anyone in the Preston area has done it and would be willing to help I'd really appreciate it!

Author:  pash [ 28 Jun 2010 21:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Age old XB12 Fuelling question

Buzz wrote:
If i'm going to datalog, should i put the standard map back on first and use that as the starting point?

It doesn't matter.

Author:  Buzz [ 28 Jun 2010 21:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Age old XB12 Fuelling question

pash wrote:
Buzz wrote:
If i'm going to datalog, should i put the standard map back on first and use that as the starting point?

It doesn't matter.

Didn't think it would Pash, thanks for the reply!

I spoke to Maz the other day actually not on this topic though! I can use the program alright it's just the Megalog bit i'm unsure of.?

Going to try the ECMread and TunerPro i think, looks slightly simpler possibly?

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