UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Time for Chain Lube?
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Author:  neil_xb12ss [ 25 Oct 2010 20:13 ]
Post subject:  Time for Chain Lube?


I know you don't have chains but......

I normally re-lube the chain straight away after cleaning but have just cleaned the chain again and wont be riding for at least a few days probably a week or 2 so thought I would lube it when I need to ride.

Is leaving the chain un-lubed and unused ok or should you lube straight away as a chain needs to always be lubed?

Advice from the oracles always greatly received.


Author:  Maz [ 25 Oct 2010 20:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Time for Chain Lube?


Author:  mcrbuelligan [ 26 Oct 2010 11:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Time for Chain Lube?

I always use lube

Author:  iwoo9 [ 26 Oct 2010 11:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Time for Chain Lube?

neil_xb12ss wrote:

I know you don't have chains but......

I normally re-lube the chain straight away after cleaning but have just cleaned the chain again and wont be riding for at least a few days probably a week or 2 so thought I would lube it when I need to ride.

Is leaving the chain un-lubed and unused ok or should you lube straight away as a chain needs to always be lubed?

Advice from the oracles always greatly received.


Scenario one: you lube the chain now and it's done but you forget and lube it twice. You might get a lot of 'fling' but the chain is happy.

Scenario two: you don't lube the chain now and then forget to lube it later and the chain wears dramatically.

Always lube it now!

Author:  Norm [ 26 Oct 2010 12:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Time for Chain Lube?

neil_xb12ss wrote:
...but have just cleaned the chain again and wont be riding for at least a few days probably a week or 2 so thought I would lube it when I need to ride.

In addition to iwoo's point, having just washed the protective coating from your chain, do you really want to leave it in the damp autumn air to get rusty before re-coating it?

And, if you lube it now, the oil will have a chance to get onto all the surfaces which it needs to get onto before you ride. If you oil it just before you ride, the oil will just be on the surface, it won't have had a chance to get onto the moving parts (rollers etc) where it is actually needed.

Lube it straight after washing. Always.

Author:  Adam [ 26 Oct 2010 15:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Time for Chain Lube?

Lube your chain now before storing to prevent rust. The side plates need protection from rusting no only for cosmetic reasons, they need it to prevent microscopic pitting through oxidisation, which may lead to stress raisers being formed and the chain snapping. Bye, bye crankcases, or at worst, the chain will flail you just where your femural artery is :o This has happened - and it makes a mess. With modern 'O' ring and 'X' ring chains, very little lube actually reaches the internal bearing surfaces after manufacturing.

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