UK Buell Enthusiasts Group

Engine cutting out.
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Author:  johnnyguk78 [ 11 Dec 2010 05:47 ]
Post subject:  Engine cutting out.

Ok folks, first off I'll state that my mechanical knowledge is pretty much non existent. I know this is not a good combination being the owner of a 2008 Ully.
Anyway just got the bike out during a break in the cold weather and used it to travel to work. No issues on the way in but coming home it cut out on me twice. Both times it was as I was decelerating and braking. No warnings the engine just died and the electrics stayed on. Not much fun in Belfast rush hour traffic. The bike restarted each time with no issues. Any tips/ideas? Or is it just a Buellism?

Author:  gunter [ 11 Dec 2010 19:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine cutting out.

I'm not sure, but hasn't there been an issue with the bank angle sensor or it's position with Ulys?

Author:  pash [ 11 Dec 2010 23:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine cutting out.

Yes, but I think this was only 2006 (and maybe 2007) models...

If the BAS did trigger, you would need to cycle the ignition....

Ulys have suffered from a chaffed harness as it feeds past the headstock :idea: however the later models had a revised harness guide at the headstock, this (I believe) did not cure the problem...

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