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PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 11:28 
Tigs! thats a bit heavy!

We down yer are few and far between. I've met 2 new Buell owners this weekend and know of 2 others locally with 2 more to meet in the near future. Mitch from Plymouth is single and has the time to scale the world if he likes but I do not have that luxury. Thats not to say I won't make the effort but my priorities have been on other things, namely getting my XB to run right which has been an all consuming experience for 12 months. The welcome or lack of is a big deal for me as I can only judge by how I'm received here which tbh doesn't look good but I live in hope.

O and I thought I was contributing to this forum and giving something back, I've been here for almost 1.5yrs. All I am saying is, can this all inclusive forum meet further south to encourage us southerners to meet from time to time? May I suggest a meet at Bristol sometime which is a compromise!

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 11:31 
mojomick wrote:
Perhaps PH could write a nice letter to East Lincs Aviation Centre and persuade them to relocate to Plymouth High Street?
I for one would certainly make the trip, just to see a Lancaster taxiing past Argos. ;)

PH, this is the main Buell gathering of the year. The venue is cast in stone.
I'm sure with a GS and Ewan outfit, the trip would not have been too arduous.


Please don't take what I'm suggesting as criticism, it's a suggestion of a future meet south of England thats all.

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 11:34 
Milf Hunter
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ph4824 wrote:
May I suggest a meet at Bristol sometime which is a compromise!

Pick a date, time and venue and post it up. That's how it works. ;)

I started out with nothing and still got most of it left.

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 11:44 
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mojomick wrote:
I for one would certainly make the trip, just to see a Lancaster taxiing past Argos. ;)

lOl lOl

"With square conduct, level steps, and upright intentions ..”

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 11:51 
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ph4824 wrote:
Tigs! thats a bit heavy.

I Think you might find Im subtantially lighter than you :ner:
Also I think you have a real cheek as so far I have been the voice of reason and actually told folk to cut you some slack but even my patience is wearing thin and you are proving others opinion of you to be more accurate

Thats not to say I won't make the effort but my priorities have been on other things, namely getting my XB to run right which has been an all consuming experience for 12 months.

If it was that bad why buy the thing in the first place and if it wasnt broke why try and fix the darn thing. It would seem you are trying to turn your Buell into something it isnt. Suck it up and enjoy the individuality of the bike.

The welcome or lack of is a big deal for me as I can only judge by how I'm received here which tbh doesn't look good but I live in hope.

O and I thought I was contributing to this forum and giving something back, I've been here for almost 1.5yrs. All I am saying is, can this all inclusive forum meet further south to encourage us southerners to meet from time to time? May I suggest a meet at Bristol sometime which is a compromise!

We speak as we find on here and I do tend to wait to form an opinion until I have met someone in the flesh as typing can skew personalities so you will have to grow a backbone and find out what your welcome is instead of wanting reassurance prior to turning up. You are not the be all and end all on here and the good of many far outweigh the good for you.

Its a blonde thing alright!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 11:51 
mojomick wrote:
ph4824 wrote:
May I suggest a meet at Bristol sometime which is a compromise!

Pick a date, time and venue and post it up. That's how it works. ;)


PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 11:56 
mojomick wrote:
ph4824 wrote:
May I suggest a meet at Bristol sometime which is a compromise!

Pick a date, time and venue and post it up. That's how it works. ;)

Just remember though, if no-one turns up it's not a reflection on you personally :D

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 11:59 
Tigs wrote:
ph4824 wrote:
Tigs! thats a bit heavy.

I Think you might find Im subtantially lighter than you :ner:
Also I think you have a real cheek as so far I have been the voice of reason and actually told folk to cut you some slack but even my patience is wearing thin and you are proving others opinion of you to be more accurate

Thats not to say I won't make the effort but my priorities have been on other things, namely getting my XB to run right which has been an all consuming experience for 12 months.

If it was that bad why buy the thing in the first place and if it wasnt broke why try and fix the darn thing. It would seem you are trying to turn your Buell into something it isnt. Suck it up and enjoy the individuality of the bike.

The welcome or lack of is a big deal for me as I can only judge by how I'm received here which tbh doesn't look good but I live in hope.

O and I thought I was contributing to this forum and giving something back, I've been here for almost 1.5yrs. All I am saying is, can this all inclusive forum meet further south to encourage us southerners to meet from time to time? May I suggest a meet at Bristol sometime which is a compromise!

We speak as we find on here and I do tend to wait to form an opinion until I have met someone in the flesh as typing can skew personalities so you will have to grow a backbone and find out what your welcome is instead of wanting reassurance prior to turning up. You are not the be all and end all on here and the good of many far outweigh the good for you.

Words fail me Tigs! words fail me. I post anything on this forum, which is mostly constructive, and someone always finds the time to post a negative response with all kinds of misunderstandings and mis judgments and accusations which does not make people feel welcome who are targeted like this. Your tone comes across aggressive & nasty, why? I don't think I've ever posted to your responses, this is the first and yes your reply to my innocent suggestion of a southern meeting is heavy! Lighten up girl, lighten up!

For everyone who has met me in personal I've made friends with, maybe, just maybe the problems is with the poor way forums reflect human emotion as words alone can come across cold and even judgemental!

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 12:04 
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ph4824 wrote:
Tigs wrote:
ph4824 wrote:
Tigs! thats a bit heavy.

I Think you might find Im subtantially lighter than you :ner:
Also I think you have a real cheek as so far I have been the voice of reason and actually told folk to cut you some slack but even my patience is wearing thin and you are proving others opinion of you to be more accurate

Thats not to say I won't make the effort but my priorities have been on other things, namely getting my XB to run right which has been an all consuming experience for 12 months.

If it was that bad why buy the thing in the first place and if it wasnt broke why try and fix the darn thing. It would seem you are trying to turn your Buell into something it isnt. Suck it up and enjoy the individuality of the bike.

The welcome or lack of is a big deal for me as I can only judge by how I'm received here which tbh doesn't look good but I live in hope.

O and I thought I was contributing to this forum and giving something back, I've been here for almost 1.5yrs. All I am saying is, can this all inclusive forum meet further south to encourage us southerners to meet from time to time? May I suggest a meet at Bristol sometime which is a compromise!

We speak as we find on here and I do tend to wait to form an opinion until I have met someone in the flesh as typing can skew personalities so you will have to grow a backbone and find out what your welcome is instead of wanting reassurance prior to turning up. You are not the be all and end all on here and the good of many far outweigh the good for you.

Words fail me Tigs! words fail me. I post anything on this forum, which is mostly constructive, and someone always finds the time to post a negative response with all kinds of misunderstandings and mis judgments and accusations which does not make people feel welcome who are targeted like this. Your tone comes across aggressive & nasty, why? I don't think I've ever posted to your responses, this is the first and yes your reply to my innocent suggestion of a southern meeting is heavy! Lighten up girl, lighten up!

For everyone who has met me in personal I've made friends with, maybe, just maybe the problems is with the poor way forums reflect human emotion as words alone can come across cold and even judgemental!

I too usually wait until I have met a person in real life before I really start to insult them lOl

You however.....Mmmmm, let me see, I have never felt like this before, don`t quite know how to put it into words..No, still can`t come up with anything.

And that says it all for me really. :yup:

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 12:14 
Tigs wrote:
If it was that bad why buy the thing in the first place and if it wasnt broke why try and fix the darn thing. It would seem you are trying to turn your Buell into something it isnt. Suck it up and enjoy the individuality of the bike.

Why criticise me and my bike for something you know nothing about. You speak out of ignorance I'm afraid and there's no need for it! Again you havn't a clue about my bike and what I have been trying to fix, again another mis judgement on your part! Your on a role today.

You say you speak as you find, well just as long as you know I don't let anyone get away with talking down or patronising me - just so we are clear! If you post crap my way (when there's no need for it) then I tend to have something to say about it! Now lets draw a line under this negative chat as I certainly wasn't looking for trouble when I posted.

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 12:20 
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Sorry to butt in on the bun fight, but if a main event is in an absolutely great place isn't it up to you to make the effort to turn up rather than move it to somewhere convenient just for you?

Listen I passed my driving test last week, drove a V6 2.5l Freeloader from Halifax to this event, and even had the cheek to ride down the airstrip on my brand new VRaptor seven months pregnant.
I ride all over this country for such events usually on my SVs on my own, doesn't make any difference where it is, last year saw me in Essex twice, Scotland. Devon and Wales for a biker funeral many hundreds of miles as a lone rider.

Make an effort dude....people might respect you more for it ;-)

Cars serve the body, bikes serve the soul

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 12:27 
dizzyblonde wrote:
Sorry to butt in on the bun fight, but if a main event is in an absolutely great place isn't it up to you to make the effort to turn up rather than move it to somewhere convenient just for you?

Listen I passed my driving test last week, drove a V6 2.5l Freeloader from Halifax to this event, and even had the cheek to ride down the airstrip on my brand new VRaptor seven months pregnant.
I ride all over this country for such events usually on my SVs on my own, doesn't make any difference where it is, last year saw me in Essex twice, Scotland. Devon and Wales for a biker funeral many hundreds of miles as a lone rider.

Make an effort dude....people might respect you more for it ;-)

ffs, yet another who reads between the lines and sees something that isn't there - 2+2 does not = 5!

Where have I ever said move this event?
Where have I said I will not make the effort?

Seems to me there are many who think the world revolves around ukbeg! I have a life and other priorities. I have been thinking of making ANOTHER effort maybe this year but with all this crap being flung my way -- sorry not interested!

Respect is a two way street!

Wished I bloody didn't ask now, wait, I'll just fuck off then! :roll:

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 12:34 
ph4824 wrote:
Respect is a two way street!

No it isn't.

Sorry I couldn't make the main event, guys. Seems ages since I've seen some of you. I should have made more of an effort to attend yesterday. Trouble is I was a bit distracted as I was marrying the lovely Jane at the time.

And only 66 or so Buells this time? Seems like a lot of us have to try a bit harder next year...

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 12:36 
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ph4824 wrote:
ffs, yet another who reads between the lines and sees something that isn't there - 2+2 does not = 5!

Where have I ever said move this event?
Where have I said I will not make the effort?

Seems to me there are many who think the world revolves around ukbeg! I have a life and other priorities. I have been thinking of making ANOTHER effort maybe this year but with all this crap being flung my way -- sorry not interested!

Respect is a two way street!

Nope I don't think that, I think I could safely say there are certain higher priorities on my list of things to do. Just read a few posts and noted a certain amount of knickers gettting in a twist...calm down sweet cheeks, your day might feel a bit brighter :roll:

Cars serve the body, bikes serve the soul

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010 12:39 
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Well said, DB :clap: Find it a little bit ironic that a thread about the major social gathering of the year turns into another PH fest. Please save the bickering for another thread, I want to read about what I was gutted to miss yesterday.

First time in six years that I have missed Em's do and had to make do with waving off seven lucky souls on their way to the meet. Only bonus for me was Dark Horse's breakdown which meant I had the opportunity to give her another hello and goodbye snog lOl

Sorry not to have met up with all my mates, can't be arsed to haul back through all the bitching to read it but Mojomick expressed it best a few pages ago. I'll be missing Sproutfest this year as well because we're off to Nepal so I had better make the most of Deliverance 3 (despite needing to make an early Sunday departure to get to Brands Hatch for the XR1200 racing). :roll:


Back on the road again!

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