ph4824 wrote:
Your just another tosser with an attitude problem on this forum, forums are also for chatting as well and thats all thats happening here. I responded to another post to be helpful and all I get in return is the shit from the usual bunch! So you can shove that up your ass! Tosser! I'm here to stay!

Yes, PH4824, I am a tosser with an attitude problem but
do not dare to lump me in with the other members of UKBEG. They are a very sound bunch of people of who I am not

Tosser! I'm here to stay!
Do as you wish, Sir. I am off for a toss.
Since then flying duchman and norm got pissy with me - beggars belief how they seem to twist everything I write and make something of it? - you two on drugs?
What you think on this matter is down to you.
I consider your statement "you two on drugs" to be slander, to me, and something that could affect the progression of, due to its nature, my career and any future income. I do, as the law states, offer you the chance to retract said statement, if you so wish, in an equal media context IE Here on UKBEG. I will, of course, need to approve it.
You have the normal time to reply to this offer and a PM has been sent to you as of this time and date.