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PostPosted: 11 Jun 2009 20:34 
Needs more cowbell
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"With square conduct, level steps, and upright intentions ..”

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2009 21:11 
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :yup:

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2009 18:27 
ph4824 wrote:
Your just another tosser with an attitude problem on this forum, forums are also for chatting as well and thats all thats happening here. I responded to another post to be helpful and all I get in return is the shit from the usual bunch! So you can shove that up your ass! Tosser! I'm here to stay! :tosser:

Yes, PH4824, I am a tosser with an attitude problem but do not dare to lump me in with the other members of UKBEG. They are a very sound bunch of people of who I am not :worthy:.

Tosser! I'm here to stay!

Do as you wish, Sir. I am off for a toss.

Since then flying duchman and norm got pissy with me - beggars belief how they seem to twist everything I write and make something of it? - you two on drugs?

What you think on this matter is down to you.

I consider your statement "you two on drugs" to be slander, to me, and something that could affect the progression of, due to its nature, my career and any future income. I do, as the law states, offer you the chance to retract said statement, if you so wish, in an equal media context IE Here on UKBEG. I will, of course, need to approve it.

You have the normal time to reply to this offer and a PM has been sent to you as of this time and date.

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2009 18:44 
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I think he's confusing 'smackhead' with 'slaphead'. There's plenty of them here :lol:

If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough.

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2009 18:46 
pash wrote:
What is the chance of us all being friends?

I'm not playing with you

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2009 19:19 
Needs more cowbell
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*picks up ball and goes home*

"With square conduct, level steps, and upright intentions ..”

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2009 21:49 
I'm not here to fall out with anyone including you, infact I came here to 1. find answers 2. make some friends - which I have. However, it's seems to me that everytime I do anything here you, norm and some others have been quick (perhaps jokingly) to jump to the wrong conclusions with your continued sacasim again and again and again. I may have reacted to some comments you guys have made and read it all wrong (if that's so I appologise), but I doubt I've been wrong all the time. Rightly or wrongly because of how you (and the others) seem to negatively respond to most of what I do on this site you come across as classroom bullies getting cheap laughs at my expense in front of your buddies on this forum and I've responded accordingly. Seems to me that you (and the others) see any post by "ph4824" and then seem to be compelled to write something nasty just to piss me off and get a reaction! I'm not asking to be treated with kid gloves but all the continued negative comments I seem to attract is gone to far. Lets have a laugh whilst showing some respect.

Regarding what you want to me retract. I retract nothing. It was not slander, it was a question hence the question mark? Infact it was a tongue in cheek question implying that your continued snipping at me is making no sense what's so ever (to me at least). So if you want to make something of it, thats up to you but your threatening last post just sums up your whole attitude towards me which is what is at the heart of this whole affair!

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2009 22:14 
Yes, PH4824, I am a tosser with an attitude problem but do not dare to lump me in with the other members of UKBEG. They are a very sound bunch of people of who I am not :worthy:.

Once again you read it wrong. I'm not calling all ukbeg users tossers, most seem to be nice blokes. Infact I met some at Glastonbury and have kept in contact with some ever since - brilliant people, can't do enough for you!! But I wasn't talking about these people was I? I was referring to those who continue to be quite rude and nasty for no reason?

You seem to be a rebel with a fuck you attitude - am I right? Of course you might well be a nice bloke but I seem to see your ugly side!

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2009 22:18 
greasemonkey wrote:
,,,,,"and some fell on stoney ground,,,"

Not so, but The Flying Duchman is making something out of nothing and wanted me to respond publicly (read his last post). Sorry about this - any disagreement should be done privately via PM but that's not what FlyingDuchman wanted was it?

I bet "bench9" wished he never asked the question about Novus 2 now? I wished I never replied - but lets hope we can move on after this - clear the air sort of thing? Cause I'm sure most, if not all of us are here for the same reasons - we like our Buells :yup:

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2009 10:04 

I feel like Donny, the unfortunate third-wheel friend in the film The Big Lebowski. Like a child I have wandered into the movie, with no frame of reference, and asked what I thought to be a seemingly innocent question :?

woops. Hopefully, I haven't ruined any friendships over some Autoglym.

I bought a tankpad in the end 8-)

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2009 10:36 
bench9 wrote:

I feel like Donny, the unfortunate third-wheel friend in the film The Big Lebowski. Like a child I have wandered into the movie, with no frame of reference, and asked what I thought to be a seemingly innocent question :?

woops. Hopefully, I haven't ruined any friendships over some Autoglym.

I bought a tankpad in the end 8-)

Never saw that film, but I get what you're saying. Alittle bit of history going on here I'm afraid but I hope it comes good cause we should all be friends here! You havn't ruined any friendships over Autoglym, but hopefully everything will polish up to a nice sparkling shine.

What tankpad did you get? The metal one? Picture?

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2009 11:25 
proff. patpending
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Was it this one?


08 Specialized Langster

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2009 12:39 
Dont care not playing anymore. Or reading :ner: :ner:

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2009 11:15 
ph4824 wrote:
........I'm not calling all ukbeg users tossers, most seem to be nice blokes.............

I'm not. I'm a tosser :D

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2009 11:56 
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This stuff any good?


Made my bell-end nice and shiny :!:

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