sidewaysdave wrote:
Also every so often the blue full beam light on the dash comes on, even though i haven't got full beam on, but when this happens all other power is lost. The bike stops running, no power to anything.
I hate to say it, as your bike has not been fixed by your dealer, but I had the
EXACT SAME problem on my Uly.
It is caused by paint on the rear subframe loom Earth point face. This paint causes a high electrical resistance and makes the electrics go haywire. It also makes for harder starting and bad control of the engine via the ECM.
Its a
VERY WELL know issue by HD, is posted on there Tech site and on this site. It takes 15 min to fix.
I am not saying that you do not have any other problems but this fixed all my running issues in an instant.
You will also find that a duel compound tyre like the Road Pilot 2CT works/lasts better. I have 7k on mine, still have 1k ish left on them and with a good profile. Although they are getting past there best now they still work very well. IMO they suit the Uly great, for road work, wet or dry. Much better than the Scorps or Corsa tyres I have had on the Uly before.