1stgarry wrote:
BAB said
infact Buell made a limited run of Carbon X1's
If they're the one's I saw on the Buell stand at the NEC show at the time, the CF was laughable. I remember it being paper thin on the tank apron/cover, and flexing like paper too!!!

Mebbe that's how they saved weight!
BAB, hope the stuff you bought is better quality.
My rear hugger flexed and bounced around like crazy and it was an original ~prob why it destructed so easy

~most of the stuff I have seems pretty stiff especially the front fender, infact all of it is stiffer than the original plastics apart from the paper thin lower belt guard which is still original.
Hmm interesting ~personally I rate an M2 fibreglass hugger the best looking and fitting so would look good with that kit

robelst wrote:
Anyone who thinks that carbon-fibre will improve a Buell is unlikely to notice when (s)he is being conned. It's a business-model that can't possibly fail

Well hopefully a few who read this will pass on the information to others interested and help save them a few quid into the process

~surely what a forum like this is all about