McUly wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm new to group, I've got an 06 Uly that is more or less standard. I find the windblast a bit much at motorway speeds. I was wondering if the taller screen from the XT makes much of a difference. I love the clean look of the bike and I don't want to spoil it with a big hideous screen.
Thanks, McUly.
I had an Uly and I tried the standard screen and the Zero Gravity touring screen. I am 6'2" and I found the standard screen, although dishing out a bit of windblast, gave a "cleaner" ride while the Zero Gravity Touring screen gave more protection but gave a bit of buffeting and wind noise.
The best solution I found was the standard Uly screen fitted with a Laminar Lip, (bought from Hero Blobs, it was excellent.