We would like to thank everyone who attended Cabin Fever today. With temperatures barely above freezing and patches of fog/drizzle it wasn't the best of days but at least we had a decent turnout with 17 people and 2 Buells. Special thanks must go to Brian from Derby who also arrived on his Ulysses.
Cabin Fever is something very special to us, it's great to share a day out with fellow Buell enthusiasts during the Christmas and New Year holiday period. We were determined to make it on two wheels and although the conditions were far from perfect, it was still a massive buzz to be riding a Buell again after a 4 week break.
Although I didn't realise it at the time, today was my first experience of 'injection-freezing' - just south of Sheffield on the M1, where the cobbles give way to tarmac, the bike started to lose power so we pulled onto the hard shoulder. We'd just passed a junction and because there wasn't much traffic about we carefully reversed the bike 200 yards up the slip roads shoulder. While we were parked up two vehicles being driven by fellow bikers stopped to offer help - camaraderie amongst riders still exists. There was nothing obviously wrong with our Ulysses so while we were debating whether to call the RAC or not, I thought I'd try to restart it and see if it pulled away cleanly - it did, so our temporary stop of 15 minutes must have cleared the problem. It ran perfectly for the rest of the day. Interestingly, Brian's Ulysses also suffered injection-freezing this morning.
The other notable aspect of the journey down to Solihull was when a beautiful blonde haired lady

waved as she passed us on the A42. Claire - you must tie your hair back if you're going to hang out of a passenger window at 75 mph, we might stand a chance of recognising you

Unfortunately I didn't manage my usual UKBEG members group shot but here's a few pictures from the day.....
The NMM's foyer looking suitably festive...

Buell Parking Only - courtesy of Kev and Harry...


- winner of the 'UKBEG 2010 Miss Thermals' competition...

Chris & Jane Jessop
Founders of UKBEG April 1998