I'm heading to Showbike Aquitaine, on the Atlantic coast south of the Gironde, the weekend after B-Day at Lauwe; and the weekend after that to Run Cap Sud (the French drag racing championship) near Limoges. Both of these are a fair trek (unless you're on a BMW
), so not really doable in a weekend's trip.
Freewheels is a massive event, south of Clermont Ferrand. I went there in 2001, which was the last year at the old location. They started up again last year at a new location, and it's on again early August of this year. Again, it's quite a distance from Calais.
Slightly closer is the Hangar Des Celtes rally in Brittany. I've never been to that one, but I've read reports and it looks like a fair size event.
Check out the calendar pages on the Sportster Club de France website for more more ideas.
http://outcastsmc.free.fr/events.htmlhttp://www.runcapsud.fr/http://www.freewheelsleretour.com/http://sportster-club-france.leforum.eu/f90-Calendrier-National.htmBonne route!!