mcrbuelligan wrote:
i have always / will go to

to fit my tyres, apart from once on the xb which was a big error trusting a neighbour who own's a tyre shop, which i then had to take the bike to maz to sort it out.
I will always go for grip over return of tyre life. but saying that I dont want a out right race tyre.
Adam - please can you go to a wee bit more depth on the dunlops, are they good in the wet / are they stable when the bike is over in a bend.
Having been around a year or two, I remember how shite tyres were in the 70's, so I never push things in the wet

but they seem ok. The Dunnies are rated for the track, and I've given them serious grief on the road. I'm no tyre expert or riding God, and have never been unhappy with any modern tyre, they're all much better than my ability. All I can say is, I'm very happy with them, as I was with the Road Attacks - in fact people have used these on Trackdays with no problem at all. I believe the RA 2's are even better. They seem very sticky in the 'thumbnail test' which everyone does, but is actually meaningless