Hi Chris and everyone,
We were looking at the afformentioned CR today, and discovered that if you diconect the sensor at the connector just under the gearbox pully there, you can carry on your journey unhindered!, this will of course illuminate the system fault light, but at least you can get to where you were headed!. You will need the 30T Torx key from the kit to remove the pully cover to get access, then replace the cover.
Something to remember for the future i think. Haven't tried it on an XB yet, but expect the same.
I know we have tried this on a Dyna before now and it still didn't run when in gear, so I assumed (wrongly ) that it would be the same.
Sportsters will run when disconected also, I discovered today!.
Anyway, thought that snippet might be usefull to somebody at some time.
Regards, Jon
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