I bought the bike last year from an independent with 11k on the clock - they said they'd done the 10k service as per Harley spec, but I'm not so sure I trust that. They were not very forthcoming with any paperwork and when I did get something in the post is simply said "10k service carried out" no details.
So, I don't really hold out much hope that it was done properly - in fact I took it to Tubbs not long after
as the fuelling was a bit off and the fork seals were leaking (all fixed, thanks Tubbs), so no, not convinced at all that the 10k service was properly carried out buy the dealer and not sure what oil was used if it was changed at all!
I've bought some Formula + the other week, but actually looking at the clocks today it's nearly due its 15k service, so I'll ask for it to be changed at the same time.
All that said, the clutch seemed to be behaving this morning on my ride to work, so I'll keep an eye on it.
If it does reoccur, is there anything more I can check before going the whole hog? And what would I be telling Tubbs? "New clutch please?"
(thanks again Maz
"Because it's awesome" is always a good enough excuse