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 Post subject: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012 19:32 
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Now then boys n girls, I'm thinking of spending some hard earned cash and buying a set of LED inicators for the then my question is?? do I require a in-line "thingy" to make um work...or with the XB work um without this "thingy" you may or may not have to buy? :? just thought I would ask coz in the info on the lights it does state that I made need this "thingy" sorry cant rember what its called lOl I know some one out there in UKBEG land will know...

Thanks Woody..

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 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012 19:34 
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don't bother they are a PIA :headbang:

the thingy is a resistor , the resistors kits can be as expensive as the indicators
you could need a different flasher relay too

really don't bother

did i say don't bother

Feros Ferio

 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012 19:52 
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Thanks for that Nutah...might not bother then... :sad1:


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 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012 19:58 
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IIRC it's either the resistors or the LED-compatible flasher relay. The latter is 20 USD over here - easier way to go IMO.

There are good ones, like Oberon, and lots of cheap crap ones on fleabay.

I thought about it, then took Don's advice, and didn't bother.

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 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012 20:05 

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I fitted LED indicators to 1 of my bikes years ago, I kept using the original flasher relay and just put a resistor in-line on each indicator, they worked perfectly, and the cost of the resistors... about 50p each from maplins, and a bit of heatshrink to cover them...

 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012 20:10 
Yes you will need to fit load resistors if you fit some LED indicators, other have them built in. Or you can fit an LED indicator relay.

But if they're as good as the ones fitted to the 1125s then don't bother .... :evil: :twisted: :evil:

 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012 20:13 
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Bit expensive,these have an in built resistor.
Don't know anything about them.

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 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012 20:43 
proff. patpending
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Thought you could mod the flasher unit to make it time dependent rather than load by clipping a leg off an IC

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 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012 20:48 
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would be a world easier
if you could buy a bike specific kit
indicators with correct rating/load & or relay supplied

rather than a one size fits all attitude

still each to there own

Feros Ferio

 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2012 21:19 
proff. patpending
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 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 10 Mar 2012 08:48 
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pash wrote:

nice solution :yup:

Feros Ferio

 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 10 Mar 2012 18:03 
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Just buy a "Load Independant Flasher relay" - You can find them on ebay for very low sums.

This will allow you to mix and match to your hearts content. Mine will flash loads from .02Amps to 20Amps. Or .24Watts to 240Watts.

THERE IS ONE CASE FOR RESISTORS - If you have a single dash warning light.

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 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 11 Mar 2012 17:50 

Joined: 11 May 2009 22:36
Posts: 252
Replacing conventional indicators with poxy LED ones is creating problems where you had none before: Welcome to wondrous world of gullible motorcycle consumers lOl

 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 12 Mar 2012 16:38 
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robelst wrote:
Replacing conventional indicators with poxy LED ones is creating problems where you had none before:
Eh? - I had to change the Guzzi bulbs to LED - The originals had only been in since 1979 - and one blew - no warning at all :D . Just cant find quality.

But ime - you can fit led bulbs into the original housings on modern bikes and get MORE light. I cant for the sake of me understand why modern bikes have 10Watt bulbs when bikes in the 80's had 21W as standard. Seems like a retrograde step to me. It's the reason I LED'd the S3 and the Rocket.

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 Post subject: Re: L.E.D. indicators..
PostPosted: 12 Mar 2012 19:13 
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I don't know why but LED brake and indicator lights stress me very slightly. I think it's probably I'm a very analogue sorta guy and LED's are just too...well, digital. They light up and go off too fast for my metabolism. :old:

Perhaps more importantly though, I have been behind bikes with LED indicators, and when riding into the sun they are all but invisible compared to standard bulbs......

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