Whilst my Firebolt was under warranty, I had deposits on the disc and I had the dreaded brake judder. I took it to Riders and they put it on their brake tester telling me that it would still pass an MOT. The judder gave no confidence so I put as much pressure on them as I possibly could and eventually they changed the disc.
In addition, my X1 (excuse the tube talk here) has a ten bobbin front disc. It came to me from a 'Buell enthusiast', yet it was unloved (maybe I expect too much), one of the faults was worn bobbins and deposits on the disc which you can really feel, yet it still passed the MOT and that particular tester is 'safety orientated'.
You say you can't feel anything, yet it is an advisory... Something is not right here...
My advice would be to forget the disc, unless it is causing you grief (for me that would be to feel judder or pulsation), after all it has passed the MOT.
ignore it till the next MOT...
During the meanwhile, you might want to keep your eye on EBay to pick up a spare.
But, if you do feel judder, it is normally pad material depositing itself on the disc, as per the link posted by Gunter. The recognised method for fixing this was to use Scotchbrite and brake cleaner and use Braking or EBC pads rather than OE, however I recently successfully tried another way after getting rid of the problem with my EBR 5mm finned disc which picked up deposits despite using Braking pads. That method was to temporarily fit a different set of pads, not sure if it works with all, but I fitted Goldfren (which don't really feel that bad to me) and over the course of a few hard stops have taken the deposits off the disc surface.