Exactly.....Arthur advertised the bike as a project and expressed his wishes that the buyer should restore it.
My version of events.......TP delivered the bike to me to be 'fully Mazzed' he left a 1K deposit. We had discussed the likely price for the work, bearing in mind the dilapidated state it was in.
I stripped the bike to bare frame, wheels etc. ready to powder coat, mounted the engine on a stand and stripped it.......this is where things went pear shaped as the engine had some serious issues. I stopped the job and rang Arthur to advise......he visited the shop to survey everything and after much agonising, decided to cut his loses.
I charged him for the 15 hours spent ie. 600 quid and refunded the 400 difference.
Bike was then advertised as outlined above and Spook/Cooter was the 1st to make an offer, which Arthur accepted.
Arthur subsequently received several far more generous offers but being an honourable man declined them as he'd already done a deal.
In the weeks that followed it turned out that Spook had already made arrangements to break the bike and had done deals for most of the parts at a handsome profit.......he'd also 'accidently' sent Arthur an unsigned cheque
I did PM Spook in an effort to get him to either back out of the deal or up his offer, bearing in mind the other offers on the table......I'm absolutely positive that 99% of the UKBEG membership would have done so in order to help out a fellow member down on his luck.
Eventually Arthur did get a cosher cheque and called me with instruction to release the bike.......I PM'd Spook again to let him know and advised that I would be making a 25 quid a day storage charge until he picked everything up.......Spook spat his dummy, cancelled the cheque and declared publically that he was leaving UKBEG.......Spondon 440 bought the bike for twice the amount Spook had offered.......result all round methinks
Now Spook rejoins the forum via an alias, posts shite all over the place, mainly aimed at me and the other mods........seems to me that he's the one raking up stuff because he still feels agrieved over the whole affair/being caught with his pants down/ripping off a fellow forum member etc........and he has the front to accuse me of having an inflated ego